Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Discuss Both the Negative and Positive

Slavery ended in 1838. One of the biggest negatives of such a system was racism which was found in every Caribbean society. British officials believed that people of Africans descent were inferior and what was worse perhaps these racist attitudes were after internalized by Black and Brown people that is some Africans themselves became convinced that they were inferior to Europeans. With Emancipation in 1838 slaves became free to choose the nature of their future existence. A fundamental development during the post- emancipation period was the exodus of ex slaves from the estates mostly to set themselves up as peasant proprietors.The movement created a labor shortage which threatened the imminent collapse of the sugar industry. To avoid ruin, planters sought to introduce immigrant labour from Europe. , Africa and Asian and to effect certain technical improvements to reduce the cost of production. There were two groups that came to the Caribbean from the 1930’s onwards who did n ot have much difficulty into the existing society . They were the free African immigrants and Portuguese from Madeira. By far the largest group of new arrivals , however were the Indians.Like the Portuguese they came as indentured workers to work in the sugar plantations. They soon became part of the populations of Trinidad, Guyana, Jamaica, Grenada and St. Vincent. Because of their large numbers, bringing with them religions, languages and cultural practices quite different from any found in the Caribbean , they enriched but greatly complicated the society. They were neither black or white , they were not Christians and they had their own ancient culture Two other much smaller groups of immigrants were the Chinese and the Syrian/ Lebanese. Like the Indians they brought their own language and culture.The first group of Indian immigrants arrived in Guyana in May 1838 on board the ships Whitby and Hesperus. They were distributed among six(6) sugar estates to labour under contract for five (5) years and though their treatment were satisfactory on three (3) of the estates on the others there was ill treatment , sickness and morality. The suspicions of the anti – slavery society were immediately aroused and it secured appointment of a local Commission to investigate immigrant conditions. The enquiry led to the suspension of immigration from India for an indefinite period.Regular Indian immigration was reopened in 1844 and in the following year two (2) shiploads reached Guyana , one shipload each went to Trinidad and Jamaica. The performance of these labourers exceeded expectations and in 1846 Jamaica requested an additional five thousand ( 5000), Trinidad four hundred (400) and Guyana ten thousand ( 10000). Indian immigration to the West Indies ceased in 1917 and until that time a total of 429,623 immigrant had entered . Many of the Indians who remained in the West Indies continued to reside on and to work for the estates.A much smaller number worked as peas ant proprietors , some cultivated their lands in sugar cane, rice, ground provisions and fruits. These Indians were able to achieve a greater economic standing and social mobility then those who remained in the estates. By definition immigrant labor was not slavery because it was entered into voluntarily. The contract gave rights to the immigrant who was paid for his labour . There was a fixed limit to the period of indentured and when it was over the immigrant was free. However, in practice immigrant labor schemes were slavery under a different name.Although the emmigrants from India entered into the contract voluntarily, they were often deceived about the conditions they were agreeing to. In the West Indian colonies , conditions similar to those in the days of slavery still existed . They were confined to their estates. Free Indians found it advisable to carry ‘ certificates of exemption from labor’ which allowed them free movement. Indentured laborers could be fired if found off their estates. Immigrant laborers were deprived of women. The root of the problem lay in India, where women were not emancipated because of the religious and social systems.The proportion of Indian women imported was only 3 per 100 men before the mid 1840’s 32 per 100 by 1870 and a legal minimum of 40 per 100 thereafter. Up to 1870 immigrants had to had been denied the chance to lead normal family lives. In cases where Indian immigrants were married their wives were sometimes taken away to be the mistress of the plantation owners as in the days of slavery. Immigrants were also subject to arbitrary treatment by their employers . This sometimes involved flogging and imprisonment and the immigrant dared not complain.From 1906 to 1907 nearly 40 % of the immigrant laborers in Guyana received summons for breach of the labor laws. Between 1838 and the 1930’s wealth was mainly in the hands of very small groups in society . Nearly all of it belonged to the white up per class though by the 1930’s a significant number of colored or black or Indian businessmen and farmers had acquired money and property. As planters and businessmen whites continued to be the major group of employers in the Caribbean. The worst white employers treated their workers with contempt but the better ones showed concern for their laborers’ welfare.For ordinary people life was always a hard struggle. Between 1838 till 1920’s the majority of the people worked for the plantations. Either as full time workers or as casual , irregular laborers during the harvest time and other busy periods. Wages for plantation workers were very low . Things had not changed much till the 1920’s. To escape low wages and seasonal employment on the estates as well as poverty on small peasant plots, thousands of West Indians left the countryside and drifted into the towns . Another way of escaping poverty and unemployment was to emigrate.Between 1839-1921 and even late r thousands of West Indians left their colony , perhaps to leave the Caribbean altogether in order to find work. This was because emigration was the only alternative to get away from poverty and not because they wanted to leave their home. In Trinidad the Indian sugar workers who lived mostly in the central and south parts of the island were in an especially desperate condition by the 1838 till the 1930’s. Most of the West Indians lacked an adequate diet. Although actual starvation was rare the diet was unbalanced.Malnutrition affected babies and children especially . Working mothers had little chance to breast feed after the first few weeks. In turn this caused a very high rate of infant and child death. Around 1889 nearly one half of all babies in Grenada died before their first birthday . Epidemics swept the region from time to time. Thousands died of cholera between 1850-1854. To make matter worse medical care was not available to most ordinary people in this period. In G uyana out of 7324 deaths in 1871, 3378 took place without the dying person getting any medical care at all.In Jamaica by 1898 there was only one doctor from every 19,400 Jamaicans. The woman of the peasant and laboring classes was a sturdy independent person. She worked long hours in the fields. The women both black and Indian , who worked on the estates earned their own wages and could support themselves and their children if necessary. Despite poverty and the struggle to survive and bringing up children the strength and self reliance of the women were important aspects of family and social life. Going to school was part of normal life for most children from 1838.But a very large number did not go to school at all. In Guyana and Trinidad Indian children presented special problems . Far fewer of them attended school compared with Black children. Since Indians formed the main part of the sugar industry’s labour force in these colonies both planters and colonial governments wer e reluctant to spend money on educating their children. Even when in Trinidad after 1851 government ran school with no church control or influence were set up Indian parents were still afraid that their children would be badly treated .There were also problems of language and cultural differences. As late as 1911, 97% of the Indian born children were illiterate. The Immigration of Portuguese, Chinese and East Indians to the West Indies introduced new elements of race and class into a society traditionally composed of people of European and African origin dependent for their social position on a combination of colour, wealth and education . The new immigrant groups were neither white nor black except possibly for the Portuguese and they held a balance between the two.One of the most important legacies of slavery was a three tier social structure. Society in 1839 was divided into three major classes . These were in descending order of power and status , the white – the upper cl ass, the colored black – middle class and the black masses – the former slaves. One of the most important variations in social structure in some colonies was the addition of a fourth group. In Trinidad and Guyana so many Indians settled that they came to form a large section of the population separated from the other three groups by culture , religion , race and legal restrictions.After 1838 there was a gradual increase in the size of the middle group as people from the Creole masses moved into it. This process is known as social mobility. There were two main ways in which Blacks at the bottom of the society could move up . The first , through economic success either as an independent farmer or by practicing a skill eg. Carpantry, masonry or tailoring. The second , through education. The Overall Impact of Emancipation -Immigration undoubtedly helped to perpetuate the efficient use of labor.Nevertheless in the first two or three decades immigration halted the economic d ecline of the colonies and brought them substantial prosperity. -The importation of immigrants stimulated the expansion of social services , especially medical facilities which were applied first to the immigrants and then extended to the population at large. -The increase in population led to the development of a larger and more efficient police force. -Immigration swelled the ranks of shopkeepers and hucksters while many more engaged in peasant farming on land acquired by grant or purchase.In order to avoid repatriation and immigration expenses , planters and laborers made grants of land to the Indians in commutation of return passages. Indians in Guyana received free land grants of 32000 acres (1891-1912 ) ,Trinidad received 23,000 acres(1885-1895) and 31,766 acres (1902-1912) -The employment of immigrants in manual field labor opened up in a wider range of employment for resident Blacks as artisans , factory workers and policemen. -The growth of the rice industry in Guyana and T rinidad were due to the Indians. To the Indians can also be attributed the introduction of age old traditional Indian skill in irrigation into the West Indies, both in rice production and sugar industries. – The vast majority of East Indian immigrants were tied to plantation agriculture and continued to experience the low standard of living and destitution common to the West Indian working class generally. Nevertheless through industry and thrift some were able to acquire wealth which was used to educate their children in the professions of medicine, law, teaching and to become community leaders. The entry of the various immigrant groups into the West Indies led to the emergence of a plural society where the races mixed but did not combine. Friction , both latent and ,manifest existed among the different occupation groups. Example in February 1856, the notorious ‘ Angel Gabriel’ riots formed by the apocalyptic negro preacher James Orr, resulted in the widespread destruction of Portuguese shops in Guyana by negroes suffering from a sense of oppression and competition from the Portuguese businessmen.Among the field worker also some hostility did develop since immigration had a tendency to lower wages. By and large, the governing class failed to develop measures to effect a harmonius integration of the races. Like the Negro – creole population , the immigrants who remained in the West Indies after their indentureship , realized the value of wealth and education to give them a higher status and they sought to achieve these attributes whenever possible . In terms of wealth, the Portuguese and the Chinese were more successful they set themselves up as etty shopkeepers as soon as their indenture ended . Whenever their means allowed, the Chinese , Portuguese and East Indians secured higher education for their children. The negro population sought employment mainly in teaching and in the public service. By moving to the Caribbean , Indians on average increased their living standards considerably. Indian women living overseas did have fewer children than in India, but the death rate in the Caribbean except during the early years of immigration was also considerably low , resulting in a demographic growth rate higher than in India itself.Suicide , martial violence and return migration decreased overtime , while Indian ownership of land , savings and even physical stature increased . In reality the attraction of the earning potential of the Caribbean can be deduced from the massive influx of Asian migrants . They could have opted to go to other destinations. The Indian immigrants succeeded in transferring their two main religions, Hinduism and Islam ,to their new homes . By the 1850’s temples and mosques were being built in Trinidad and Guyana were people regularly prayed.The Hindu pundits and Moslem imams became very influential leaders of the Indian population in these countries, for religion was their main source of pride and unity, As a result Indian in these two territories showed great resistance to the Christian churches’ to convert them. the Canadian Presbyterians had the most success ,but most Indians held on to their faiths. Some did convert, partly to gain jobs or higher social status. The religious world of the Caribbean, already complex, was enriched by the faiths brought by the immigrants from Asia.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Clean and Well-Lighted Place

â€Å"A Clean and Well-Lighted Place† Analysis Does one's purpose in life diminish after there is nothing left in life to look forward to? In Ernest Hemingway’s short story, â€Å"A Clean and Well-Lighted Place,† this question is addressed in terms of the four main themes of existentialism: existence precedes essence, absurdity, anxiety or angst, and nothingness. The author does this by creating a story in which all of these themes are featured individually.Existentialism is â€Å"a philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one’s acts. † The most prominent theme of existentialism is that of nothingness. This is featured in the story through the old waiter when he comes to the conclusion that without motivation to live, one wanders in a world of nothingness . This story highlights issues like depression, isolation, aging and anguish, but are all centered on the theme of existentialism.One of the themes of existentialism is, existence precedes essence. In other words, an independently acting and responsible conscious person is more important than the labels, and stereotypes that the individual falls under. This can be found within the first interaction in the story, between the two waiters. They are talking about the old man that is perpetually drinking his life away. The young waiter is judging the old man based on how much money he has, how old he is, and that he is deaf. The young waiter is unable to understand why he should try to kill himself, when he has money.However, the old waiter is constantly defending the old man like, â€Å"‘Not always, This old man is clean. He drinks without spilling. Even now, drunk. Look at him. ’† The old waiter is focusing more on how the old man conducts himself, rather than looki ng at his features, and income to judge him. The next theme of existentialism is that of anxiety or angst. This is a feeling of dread, which is not directed to an object, but of the nothingness of human existence. A person that cannot find their purpose in life or is unable to define themselves would feel this dread.This pertains to the story, because this is what the old man drinking at the cafe is feeling. The first example of this is the soldier that is mentioned. He doesn’t recognize nothingness, rather he tries to find something that gives his life purpose, like joining the service. But, he is still left with a sense of nothingness, so he tries to find meaning in the act of sexual gratification. In the opening lines of the story, the two waiters discuss how the old man tried to kill himself. When asked why he tried to commit suicide, one waiter replied, â€Å"‘He was in despair’ ‘What about? ‘Nothing. ’† The old waiter understands w hy this old man tried to commit suicide. The theme of anxiety can be applied to another part of this story, and that is why the old man chose to stay at the cafe and not go home and drink out of a bottle. The clean and bright cafes are the only reason that the old man is able to get through the night, without collapsing into despair. Absurdity is the idea that there is no meaning to life outside of the meaning that an individual gives it. Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and philosopher states, When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the eternity before and after, and the little space I fill, and even can see, engulfed in the infinite immensity of space of which I am ignorant, and which knows me not, I am frightened, and am astonished at being here rather than there, why now rather than then† (Gormley 1). This theme can be seen in the story from the conversations between the two waiters. To the young waiter money and material satisfaction is everyth ing. The young waiter is also portrayed as in a constant hurry.He wants to be home with his wife, while the old waiter is content to sit in the cafe. The old waiter believes life to be absurd, and his short time on earth isn’t going to alter anyone’s life. The final theme of existentialism is the idea of nothingness. For many existentialists religion is absurd, because these religions fail to reflect existence. They are in fact part of someone’s essence, because people can be classified as a Christian or a Jew. This idea is bleak, and suggests that there is nothing but a void after death. This is part of the reason that many existentialists suffer from depression and insomnia.The understanding there is nothing structuring one’s world, it becomes very daunting. This is the reason that the old man and old waiter search for refuge in a well-lighted place, because for people like themselves, this is the only escape from the lonely and dark night. When the old waiter starts to recite the Lord’s prayer, he replaces most of the nouns with â€Å"nada,† or â€Å"nothing† in Spanish, this reflects the atheist view that many existentialists share. They believe that there is nothing after death, but only a void. Understanding that Hemingway actually ended his own life gives this story another meaning.In the final part of this story, the old man gives up his search of his own clean and well-lighted place, and resigns to go home and lie in his bed. He admits he suffers from insomnia, and justifies it to himself by stating, â€Å"Many must have it. † This could be Hemingway’s way of showing pity to his readers who, like him, cannot bear the emptiness. Hemingway gives the reader the bare minimum of information, leaving the reader no way to understand â€Å"nada† and existential depression. However, he offers the reader an escape from this pain of â€Å"nada. † In order to survive with dignity, one ha s to find a â€Å"clean and well-lighted† place of their own.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A Brief History Of The Canadian Pacific Railway History Essay

A Brief History Of The Canadian Pacific Railway History Essay The Railways are very important part of Canada’s history and a part of transportation. â€Å"For more than a century, CP rail was called the Canadian Pacific Railway, and it remains today the railroad that helped to settle the Canadian West in the Second half of the last Century† ( Thomas York 129). The CP was not only built to provide transportation, but it was also built to get British Columbia united with Canada. It also helped many Chinese immigrants to come to Canada and had a strong impact on the political and economic connection between west to east of Canada. It is beyond doubt that the Canadian Pacific Railway was really the one that had Canada united as a country. Chinese workers had an important contribution to the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia. Andrew Onderdonk, an American who was hired for construction contractor for Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia, signed agreement with Chinese contractors in China’s Gua ngdong province. Five thousand labourers were sent from China by ship during these contracts and over seven thousand were employed from California. Between 1881 and 1884 there were 17000 Chinese labourers working on Canadian Pacific Railway. Chinese workers got paid â€Å"$1.00 a day, and from this $1.00 the workers had to still pay for their food and their camping and cooking gear, [while] white workers did not have to pay for these things even though they were paid more money $1.50-$2.50 per day†(Library and Archives Canada). The Chinese workers had the most dangerous jobs from others, as they had to break off granite and planted explosives that were used to blow up tunnels. While working on the railway, many died due to accidents, fires and dynamite blasts. The Chinese workers lived in tents, but these tents were unsafe as they did not provide protection from falling rocks. When the Canadian Pacific Railway completed in 1885, the Chinese workers needed to find new jobs. Se veral workers went back to China, while some found a new job as gardeners, cooks and servants. The Chinese moved to east of Canada and settled there, opening restaurants and laundries. When the railway finished, the government passed The Chinese Immigration Act of 1885 charging a Head Tax of $50 to any Chinese coming to Canada. This act was meant to stop Chinese immigration to Canada, but the 1885 act failed and the government passed The Chinese Immigration Act of 1900 to increase the tax to $100 and The Chinese Immigration Act of 1903 to increase the tax to $500. An estimated of $23 million was collected from 1885 and 1923 from the head tax. During this period, the Chinese in Canada lived a bachelor society as families in China would not pay this much money to send their daughters to Canada. After Canada entered World War II, the Chinese communities contributed to Canada’s war efforts and this brought â€Å"independent Chinese immigrants in Canada. . . after Canada eliminat ed race and the â€Å"place of origin† section from its immigration policy in 1967†³(History of Chinese Immigration to Canada, Chinese suffered extreme intolerance and abuse, but thanks to their work of the Trans-Canada railway, Chinese communities developed across the Canada. When the railway was building, many manufacturer began to see this railway had big economic possible.

Answering the five cases Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answering the five cases - Assignment Example I can also step in where they are defeated and cover my own medical bills. 3. I will warn the employee against such behaviour and demand for an apology from them, failure of which could result to serious disciplinary action against them. I will then write an apology letter to the customer conveying sincere regret to such despicable behaviour. I will seek to assure them that the employee has either been warned or disciplined according and that behaviour won’t happen again in the future. 4. Rules in any examination does not permit talking or sharing of answers. I will therefore call to attention the nearest examiner/instructor and let them know of the unfortunate behaviour. It will be under the discretion of the instructor to determine the discipline the two students should receive. 5. Let him know that the business is family oriented and that the rule of conduct does not tolerate gay-like behaviours. They should therefore abstain from public display of such behaviour or otherwise risk dismissal from the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Project Mgmt Discussion Topic - Week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project Mgmt Discussion Topic - Week 3 - Essay Example When members of a group are united and committed to achieving and performing their roles and responsibilities on time, they normally achieve the best results by the end of the day. Secondly, group rewards also ensure that the best results are delivered on a specific project. This is because consist of members with expertise in different fields; therefore it takes a short time to deliver the expected results. Unlike individual rewards, group’s rewards ensure that employees in a team interact and develop long lasting professional relationships with other employees when working on a project. Further, group rewards act as a source of motivation for the employees working together on a project (Parker, McAdams & Zielinski, 2000). This ensures that employees are fully satisfied and that they have achieved their expected levels of career development within their set timelines. Therefore, I believe that project managers should emphasize on group reward in order to achieve the outlined above benefits by the end of each project and in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Analysing your diet using diet plan 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysing your diet using diet plan 6 - Essay Example Other than macronutrients, vitamins have different functions to play in a human body. Vitamins referred to as micronutrients. These include Vitamin C, D, E, B6, B12 etc. Each micronutrient plays respective role in the correct functioning of biological systems. The fact remains that the nutrients, both micro and macro, are absorbed in the body and then transported to the destinations where they are suited for best workability. The absorption of micronutrients takes a number of hours. As soon as the absorption takes place, it can be well noted that these nutrients are transferred into blood vessels. There is always a stored amount of nutrients in human body which would make sure that they are recovered during the days when the amount of nutrient (specific) is less. Also, micronutrients are basically water soluble which means that the transfer of these nutrients to other organs would be helping human body to reduce deficiency in a lesser duration. Method: See Handout Results: Following the stated method, a number of findings were noted regarding the intake of food providing certain rate of energy in the body. The results can be visibly understandable if they are compared with he standardized results of intake i.e. Reference Nutrients Intake (RNI). For instance, by careful dietary analysis, it comes to understanding that energy intake rate must be 2217 Kcal whereas the intake taken by me in a day that compared to the energy standard of RNI was 1271 Kcal. Here, it can be noted that I need to work on this standard as I am having a deficiency of energy. In addition, carbohydrate (g) measure as per the analysis notes to be 336.8 while the intake measurement was 80.8g. This denotes that the amount of carbohydrates being taken by me in a day is lesser than the standard measurement point. Proteins can be considered as the nutrients which I have marked overly different intake measure than the expected one. This is visible from the measurements both standard and my per day consumption (Goestenkors & Day, 2011). The rate of proteins that I undertook in a day is noted be 101.8g while the standard is 45.0g. Similarly, the intake of Fat as marked in the software is 61.9g while standard rate 86.2g. Followed by the rate of Fat intake is the measurement of calcium as per RNI should be 700mg while the intake by me in a day was found out to be 338mg. Furthermore, the measurement of vitamin c was marked as 61 whereas usual intake as per RNI should be 40mg. Nutrients Unit Intake Per day R.N.I Per 100g Energy Kcal 1271 1271 2217 74 Fat g 61.9 61.9 86.2 3.6 Protein g 101.8 101.8 45.0 5.9 Carbohydrates g 80.8 80.8 336.3 4.7 Vitamin C 61 61 40 4 Calcium Ca 388 388 700 23 Table 1: The RNI measures and Daily intake measures Discussion The evaluation that was undertaken in this exercise helped me understand the fact that there are a number of shortcomings that can be noted in my daily routine intake (Hesli & Mills, 1999). The above results have marked it quiet evidentl y that there are some of the nutrients that are relatively lesser in my daily routine. This gives a clear idea that I need to work on the ways which can reduce the deficiency (Amend, et al., 2006). The areas where I have lacked a great deal are merely carbohydrates and energy. In order to make sure that I am coping with the measurement of carbohydrates, I would be eating food that is rich in carbohydrates bananas, brown rice etc (Meleis, 2011). There can be a portion of this food that I can take in a day to make sure that

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Role of a PPC Manager in a Leading Company Term Paper

The Role of a PPC Manager in a Leading Company - Term Paper Example Goals could be varied for clients. For some clients, the aim is branding and for some others, it could be a direct response. Some clients focus on improving their return on investment and some others focus on improving the traffic to their website. The role of the PPC Manager also involves identifying the goals of the clients, setting up, and maintaining the campaign in such a way that the aim of the client is fulfilled. Based on job analysis, the key aspects of the role include managing a portfolio of client accounts, interacting directly with the clients to understand their business, driving revenue and improving customer satisfaction. The PPC Manager should be able to optimize the performance of the campaign, set and implement strategies to achieve the goal of the client and demonstrate product expertise on PPC models. Apart from being an expert on analytics and reporting, they should also demonstrate their expertise on industry trends and customer education.   The basic pre-requisite of the candidate is to have around 3 years of experience in key account management, have proficiency in Microsoft Excel, be flexible and open, have very good communication and interpersonal skills. The candidate also should be a graduate with a good academic background. The HR Executive would conduct the phone screen interview. The aim of this interview is to see if the candidate fulfills the basic criterion required for the job.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

European Union Law Bachelor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

European Union Law Bachelor - Essay Example Everyday, we checked on our television to know the latest news about our community, about stocks and investments, about movies and of what's happening all over the world. Since the first television broadcast in England in 1936, using a modern level of definition of more than 240 lines, new developments had been made including CableCARD , Digital television (DTV), Digital Video Recorders, Direct Broadcast Satellite TV (DBS), DVD, High Definition TV (HDTV) and many others. Through television, a lot of telecommunication companies has been put up which provides work for millions of people. It is where product commercials are aired. It is also where public concerns and responsibilities were discussed. While each and every national government has set up its own rules with regards to telecommunication, the European Union has also set its guidelines and policies to maintain and level the playing fields of the telecommunication competition. In this era where digital technologies were making its way to communication highways and prospectively play a much bigger role in the future, the European Union has identified the needs of introducing digital technologies harmoniously into the market. ... on Law in the light of the European courts of Luxenbourg considering the aims of competition law in the EU, and the history of European competition law. In this paper, the main elements of the European Union with regards to digital Television (DTV) and High Definition Television (HDTV) will be critically assessed. There are 6 different areas of audiovisual activities which are covered by the commission. According to the Principles and guidelines for the Community's audiovisual policy in the digital age (2005), On the basis of these principles, the Commission intends to take action in the following fields: cultural and linguistic diversity; the new "Media plus" programme, considered to be of crucial importance for the future of the European audiovisual industry. In all areas of action (training, development, distribution, promotion) this new programme will take account of the new digital environment. Research and development. The Fifth Framework Programme for Research and Development provides for a number of action lines of interest to the audiovisual sector. The external dimension of Community audiovisual policy will necessarily hinge around two central elements: the enlargement of the European Union and the new round of multilateral trade negotiations in the framework of the World Trade Organisation. The "Television without Frontiers "Directive This Directive which was adopted in 1989 and revised in 1997, based from Television broadcasting activities: "Television without Frontiers" (TVWF) Directive (2006) is the cornerstone of the European Union's audiovisual policy. Its two basic principles were: the free movement of European television programmes within the internal market; and the requirement that television channels, where practicable, reserve over half

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

WASHINGTON CONSENSUS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

WASHINGTON CONSENSUS - Essay Example Only the annual budget of Nestle grew more than any African country under this globalisation of economy (Robert N. Gwynne and Cristbal Kay 1999). So the launch of these reforms in the name of structural adjusment programmes on the advice of IMF and world Bank there has attracted a lot of criticism in the thirld world countries. The policies that were originally formed to give a boost to the GNPs and GDPs of the least developed and developing countries in the world.But on the contrary in most of the economies these policy presciptions have played havoc with the unemployement and poverty due to the capitalism's tantacles wide spread from the first world in the poor countries. The major criticism has come from latin american and ex-soviet republics . They majorly see the capitalism as the main monster creeping in the world on the wheels of the multinalnal companies.Ultimately the buzzwords of globalization, capitalism, neo-liberal agenda and Washington Consensus became familiar and syno nymous to each other. People in the third world have been debating these terms ever since early 1950s. Most of them argue that there is an important sense in which disagreements on the character and consequences of capitalist ways of organizing economic life actually triggered the nineteenth century emergence of modern social science. This disagreement in the ex socialist and some Latin states stands at the center of the twentieth century political debate on how best to organize advanced industrial societies; and they remain main elements dividing capitalist societies, in former communist societies, and in whole of the under-developed... There is no denying the fact that the policy prescriptions under the Washington Consensus have widely been criticized from all around the world. This situation has basically arisen from immediate debacle of soviet republics and the transitional economies were not ready for reforms immediately. The Latin America, south Asia and Africa were not ready as yet. Those countries that blindly adopted these policies did not have a better taste of these policies. People reacted badly and results were not favorable politically. The economic reforms have to be adopted very prudently, slowly and gradually in all political wisdom by the leaders. But this is also a fact that free market economies are the order of the day. The WTO has at least now been setting favorable incentives for the least developed and underdeveloped world. The international competition cannot be beaten by mere agitation from the third world. The reform in the production process and compliance with the ISO certifications and i ntellectual property rights has to be complied with all the countries in the world equally. However the safety nets for the protection of poorest of the poor people have to be provided by the respective governments. It is still widely believed that growth in GDPs is not vastly trickling down to the poor segments of society. Corruption in the developing countries is rampant and rich elite is taking the advantages of new reforms. Poor have to be defended any way.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Human Aspects of Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Aspects of Decision Making - Essay Example adership skill is linked to innate abilities within an individual and highlight effective tactics both at internally processing information and outwardly projecting intrinsic personality traits; negating the premise that success in leadership can be learned through instruction. There has recently been a resurgence of interest in the impact of personality in the workplace, including the behaviour of employees and organisational behaviour processes (Leung & Bozionelos, 2004). Effective communication, decision making, and negotiation skills have been heralded as success tools for an organisational leader, however, the idea that these abilities can be learned through instruction is somewhat naà ¯ve. Personality might best be defined as an individuals unique patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that endure over a period of time and across specific situations. These very much internal patterns of awareness help to shape an individuals perceptions regarding how to best handle conflicts, process information, and how to shape a decision to appropriately fit the situation. Successful leaders use their passion, values, and personal mission to create and maintain influence (Frisina & Steltzer, 2001). With this idea in mind, it is important to recognise that learned theories, without the internal propensity for personality-based judgments, are ineffective theories that lack the substance of intuition and personality-based understandings of the environment. Personality traits are literally encoded in the nervous system as structures that guide consistent behaviour across a wide variety of situations (Morris & Maisto, 2005). Recognising the psychological principal that personality is a genetic attribute allows for the assumption that communication, decision making, and negotiation practices are derived of inborn, natural talents that cannot be properly taught through any contemporary module. This really should not be surprising, because all executives are different,

Manifestation Music Essay Example for Free

Manifestation Music Essay Robert Allen Zimmerman, or Bob Dylan, was born to become a star. As a child he had dreamed of becoming a musical icon which he tried to achieve during his younger years. As part of his ambition to become a famous musician and icon, at age ten, Bob Dylan started to write poems and even taught himself to play the guitar and piano (Millar n. p). His musical style was primarily influenced by Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis which became apparent in the progression of his career. The drive and passion of Bob Dylan in pursuing his musical career escalated when he went to the University of Minnesota where he began to consider the folk and rock songs of artists such as Hank Williams, Woody Guthrie and Robert Johnson (Millar n. p). During his college years, he had a hard time attending schools because of his preoccupation in music. He finally dropped out of college to pursue his dreams. When Bob finally had his break in 1961, he first played folk songs instead of his own desired genre. His first album was not how he expected it to be because he really wanted to do his own songs. However, Bob Dylan turned his situation around in the next albums that he made. His succeeding songs were basically inspired by the profound â€Å"political activism† of the young people during the 1960s (Lemieux 1). The people were very empowered to make a stand and respond to the pressing problems of the society like gender, class, and race. This escalating emotion ultimately paved the way for mass protests and movements for social change. These situations during the 60s also influenced the music of Bob Dylan which is distinctively political in nature. Although Bob would assert that he is more of a social commentator, the people listening to his music are actually receiving a different vibe or perspective (Lemieux 1). Bob Dylans Music One of Bob Dylans most famous songs, â€Å"Blowin in the Wind,† became an anthem in Americas 1960 counterculture. He wrote it during the Vietnam War era as a response to the eventualities and casualties of that period in American history (Mason n. p). The song greatly depicts Bob Dylans observation of the political and social status of the society and how the people tends to shrug-off the escalating problem in the Vietnam crisis which eventually worsened. This is perceived in the second stanza of the song stating: Yes, n how many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes, n how many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind, The answer is blowin in the wind. (Dylan n. p) Aside from the song â€Å"Blowin in the Wind,† Bob Dylan also created another politically inclined song entitled â€Å"The Times They Are A-Changin† (Mason n. p). The song, which was actually written after John F. Kennedy was assassinated also became significant as it expresses the confidence and the hope perceived in the political and social movements during the 60s. As observed in the song, the singer is inviting the people from different walks of life to come together and pursue the future with a glimmer of hope and unity. Moreover, in the latter part of the song, Bob Dylan gave a great amount of effort in creating a beautiful lyrical stanza which encourages the people never to give up and continue looking for the silver lining in their current social instability. Bob Dylan is indeed a great singer during his time. His passion for music and empowering lyrics really enabled the people to make a difference and stand firm for what they believe is right. It is also because of the socio-political awareness imparted by Bob Dylans songs that he was seen by the society as a great protest singer and an inspirational person as well. Works Cited Dylan, Bob. â€Å"Blowin in the Wind. † 1962. 16 May 2008 http://bobdylan. com/songs/blowin. html. Lemieux, Nicole. Bob Dylan and the Sixties: A Social Commentary Reflecting Politics and Existentialism. Diss. Pace University, 2006. Mason, Catharine. â€Å"Bob Dylan: A Biography. † March 2005. Bob Dylans Performance Artistry. 16 May 2008 http://www. unicaen. fr/musa/bob_dylan/bio. htm. Millar, BJ. â€Å"The Life of Bob Dylan. † n. d. 16 May 2008 http://www. angelfire. com/on/dylan/bio. html.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Steven Spielberg movie review Essay Example for Free

Steven Spielberg movie review Essay Spielbergs latest epic, Saving Private Ryan, has shocked audiences around the world with his brutally realistic, down-to-earth World War II invasion of Omaha beach. The film opens with the landing boats full of petrified, white-faced, conscripted soldiers, who struggle to cope with the pure terror imposed upon them from the enormity of the task they face. No sooner do you see a close up of their trembling faces and each persons emotions and worries, the doors opened and the first wave of men were torn to shreds by German machine gun fire. Many men drowned as they were dragged under by their heavy equipment, and those who made it to the shore found themselves seriously outnumbered and out gunned. Specially-designed, frantic freehand camera-work creates the impression you are in the middle of the carnage, so Spielberg puts the audience on the beach with the Allies. Eventually the soldiers complete the takeover of the beach but as the scene draws to a close, the former hand-held camera is now far more panoramic, scanning the beach from a height, but regardless of the thousands of bodies strewn across it, you do not see one face showing war de-humanising all the real people involved in it, who have families back home, but also turning those real people into just numbers and cannon fodder. The scene ends with a close-up of a dead soldiers pack which contains the words Pvt S. Ryan and the scene cuts. Throughout the entire scene there was a tremendous amount of clever sounds and moving music. For instance, in the panoramic opening scene the music is rather dark and solemn, with a lot of low strings and brass, especially horns. This sets the tone for the scene to unfold. In the first scene there is no music to emphasise actually being there, however there are numerous non-diegetic sounds added such as the underwater bullets piercing the struggling soldiers, the way when Captain Miller gets confused and deaf that the sound is blurred and returns to normal when he comes round but there is also diegetic sound when the explosions are going off as the film crew used hundreds of set explosions in the scene, the lapping of the waves and the monologue were all diegetic sounds. The next scene is a wonderfully made piece that is truly emotional and is a silent one. There is a woman in a crowded office with light shining through, a complete contrast to the dark, de-saturated war scene a moment before. The lady sees three telegrams from the same family and takes it to the senior staff. It is reassuring to see how these men-in-power have some humanity left, taking the case higher and higher until it found the commander-in-chief played by the talented Bryan Cranston who decides that the remaining sibling should be pulled out and sent back to the grieving mother. The point where the mother received the news was fantastically portrayed by Spielberg. It is set in the countryside with a traditional American home surrounded by golden fields yet in the corner of the sky it is dark grey and symbolises the bad news on its way. The car crawls up the small, winding, country lane viewed panoramically from in front of and behind the house. There was one shot that was astoundingly emotional, where Spielberg captured a close-up of the mothers reaction while showing the car and effectively the news creeping closer, through using the reflection of the window. As she rushes to the door she is cleverly silhouetted out showing that it could be anyone receiving the news and that vast amounts of parents go through this. Also as part of the mise en scene, when she opens the door, she is blacked out and the car pulls up along the house then the officials climb out, the woman falls to her knees. However, throughout this whole dark shot, to the right is a coffee table with light streaming on to it, there is a photo of the four boys in their army uniform showing that they all went but also expanding the plot as you know that there were only three telegrams. All over the table there are flags and patriotic items, this tries to show that the people are behind the war, and that it is the ordinary people who have to stand up to the tyrant. Finally, Spielberg covers many aspects of war in his brilliant production and uses vast amounts of extremely intelligent shots and clever, emotional to portray the emotions and effects that the de-humanising war had on normal people such as Miller, the small town English teacher at home and on the front. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ignorance Of Physical Health In Mental Illness

Ignorance Of Physical Health In Mental Illness According to World health organization, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. From this definition it can be inferred that health includes three major aspects and consideration of all aspects of health while providing care to the patients is very important. This definition applies on both psychiatric and medicine field because without holistic care it is impossible to achieve a complete state of wellbeing. The health care professionals taking care of physically ill patients also consider their mental health (Sturgeon, 2007). On the other hand physical health of patients with serious mental illness is neglected which leads to high premature mortality rates in this population group (brown, 2012).Writing on this topic will help in understanding about importance of holistic care in mental health care setting. According to (Thornicroft, 2011) 20-year mortality gap for men, and 15 years for women, is still experienced by people with mental illness in high-income countries. The combination of lifestyle risk factors for chronic diseases, higher rates of unnatural deaths and Poorer physical healthcare contributes to this scandal of premature mortality. It shows that high mortality rate in mentally ill patients is due to the ignorance of physical health so it is important to consider the physical health of such patients to maintain good quality of life. Likewise, I have witnessed the ignorance of physical health during clinical in Karwan-e-Hayat.18 years old female was admitted in Karwan-e-Hayat with diagnose of schizophrenia. On clinical day I saw that she was sitting in her bed shivering and constantly going to wash room. I informed staff about her condition but they ignored and say she will be all right. Next day she was in same situation, looking very tired and anxious again I informed staff but they did not do anything. Next week when we went there I asked staff about her condition they told that she was suffering from severe diarrhea and was admitted in Zia-u-din hospital. Reflecting on this scenario its very upsetting that staff are ignoring physical health of patients which leads to more distortion of their health, economic burden, and many other unexpected out comes such as death and serious illnesses. Mentally ill patients are more prone to physical illness then the general population because of many reasons such as lack of exercise, high rates of smoking and poorer diet contributes to higher rates of hypertension, high plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory illness etc. (Chacà ³n, 2011). Moreover some researches also show that there is strong genetic relationship between some psychological and physiological illness such as diabetes and schizophrenia that people with diabetes have the tendency to get schizophrenia. Patients with severe mental illness are unable to maintain a healthy behavior which leads to many serious physical illnesses. So it is the duty of health care professionals to provide holistic care to these patients. Further somatic pain is also a reason for example, when such patient complains about pain staff perceives it as somatic delusion and they did not do any assessment which leads to further con sequences. Thornicroft (2011) states there are many barriers which contribute to physical illness. He gives the concept of diagnostic overshadowing that people with mental illness receive worse treatment for physical disorders. For example people with co-morbid mental illness and diabetes that presented to an emergency department, were less likely to be admitted to hospital for diabetic complications than those with no mental illness. It may be also due to the negative stereotyping and stigma related to the illness. Furthermore workload and shortage of staff is a factor because of workload the staff is unable to give time to individual patient. On the other hand lack of trained staff, lack and ignorance of daily assessment by trained staff leads to various physical health problems in mentally ill patients. For example in the above mentioned scenario the patient was shivering and was frequently going to washroom but the staff did not take notice of it and later it was found that the patient was having severe diarrhea. Brown(2012) added that health disparities experienced by these people is due to poverty, social isolation, problems accessing health assessment or lack of resources from management like tools and equipments to assess the physical symptoms of patients e.g. there is no BP cough to assess the BP of patients. Moreover mentally ill patients are unable to identify problem in their own body because of altered thought process and side effects of psychotic medication such as seizures, hypotension extra pyramidal symptoms these all factors contribute to serious physical illnesses. According to Maslows Hierarchy of Needs physical needs and health are most important to be fulfilled. He says that physiological needs are deficiency needs, meaning that these needs are important in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. These physiological needs include the most basic needs that are important to survival, such as the need for water, air, food, sleep, and health. So from this model we can infer that physical health and needs are very important in order to maintain a healthy life. Mentally ill people are appearing to give less priority to their physical health needs. Health promotion for such people should aim to raise awareness of variable high-risk lifestyle factors and their control (Buhagiar, 2011). For example it is the responsibility of health care providers and family members to provide awareness to the clients about reducing risk factors that cause physical illness such as sedentary life style, smoking, drug abuse, and consumption of unhealthy diet. Additionally (Buhagiar, 2011)added that locus of control in mentally ill patients is external as compared to physically ill patients, so here comes the main role of health care providers and family members to change their behavior and performing daily assessment of such patients. The timely assessment will help care givers to act pro-actively and take prophylactic measures to control behaviors and diseases in mentally ill patients. Furthermore (Tsay, 2007) explain that we need multidimensional strategy to reduce disparities in physical health of mentally ill patients. For example integration of mental and physical health services will be of some benefit like in above discussed scenario the patient was only receiving care for mental illness, so to provide holistic care the management of such organizations should focus on both mental and physical aspects of health and make sure the availability of physicians and equipments needed for the assessment, treatment and health promotion of such patients. In addition (brown, 2012) mental health nurses and clinicians should play an active role in health promotion, primary prevention and the early detection and management of physical health problems. This would only be achieved when the health care providers are trained and competent in their skills such as therapeutic communication, proper physical assessment, and other psychomotor skills. So the management of any health care organization should arrange different training sessions for providing latest and reliable information that will help staff to provide holistic care, to refresh their knowledge with new researches and make sure the ongoing evaluation and analysis of training sessions. Thus the improvement in all these aspects will help care givers to provide holistic care to mentally ill patients and contribute to complete state of wellbeing. In conclusion, the physical health of mentally ill patients should be part of the field of action of psychiatric practitioners. Health consists of physical, mental, and social aspects, consideration of all three aspects is very essential; change in one aspect will lead to distortion of health. There for it is the duty of health organizations and health care providers to prevent illness promote and restore health and to do screening, diagnosis, and treat physical illness of mentally ill patients. Here my suggestion is that as health care professional we have to consider all three aspects of health and it is our duty to provide holistic care to the patients to achieve a complete state of health.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essay -- essays research pa

Winston Smith is a low-ranking member of the ruling Party in London, in the nation of Oceania. Everywhere Winston goes, even his own home, the Party watches him through telescreens; everywhere he looks he sees the face of the Party's seemingly omniscient leader, a figure known only as Big Brother. The Party controls everything in Oceania, even the people's history and language. Currently, the Party is forcing the implementation of an invented language called Newspeak, which attempts to prevent political rebellion by eliminating all words related to it. Even thinking rebellious thoughts is illegal. Such thoughtcrime is, in fact, the worst of all crimes. As the novel opens, Winston feels frustrated by the oppression and rigid control of the Party, which prohibits free thought, sex, and any expression of individuality. Winston dislikes the party and has illegally purchased a diary in which to write his criminal thoughts. He has also become fixated on a powerful Party member named O'Brien, whom Winston believes is a secret member of the Brotherhood—the mysterious, legendary group that works to overthrow the Party. Winston works in the Ministry of Truth, where he alters historical records to fit the needs of the Party. He notices a coworker, a beautiful dark-haired girl, staring at him, and worries that she is an informant who will turn him in for his thoughtcrime. He is troubled by the Party's control of history: the Party claims that Oceania has always been allied with Eastasia...

We Must Revitalize Downtown Los Angeles :: Argumentative, Persuasive

Downtown is the commercial center of city or town. Downtown is a main target for employment and a great place to live in most cities. It should be the biggest attraction and most beautiful place of the city. Los Angles downtown is voted to be one of the dirtiest downtowns and Los Angles is a big attraction to tourist. Cleaning up downtown would leave better impressions on tourist and also residents. The crime rate would get lower and their wont be any homeless people around. One of the most beautiful music centers is the Disney Hall. Walt Disney Concert Hall is the fourth and most recent addition to the Music Center of Los Angles County. It is situated on 3.6 acres- a full-city block at the intersection of First Street and Grand avenue in the historic Bunker Hill area of downtown Los Angeles. Walt Disney Concert Hall encompasses two outdoor amphitheatre, including Keck Children Amphitheatre seating 300 and a second performing space that accommodates an audience of 120, as well as a space for pre-concert events. A large portion of the site has been dedicated to an urban park with expensive public gardens and ornamental landscaping and water elements. The Disney Hall attracts people all over to come down to see an outstanding show there. It is amazing and has the best shows and concerts showing there. Downtown LA voted 1 of the dirtiest downtowns ever but has the most beautiful music center. Around Disney we have some nice buildings. The cathedral is just across from Disney. The environment is very clean and it attracts rich and wealthy people. It is a very clean and safe area to be in downtown. When u go just a little bit west from Disney you see the real downtown. The Fashion District is a very large area where they only sell clothing and fabric for very low coast and wholesale price. The LA Fashion District spans 90 and is the center of the apparel industry on the West Coast. Retailers, wholesale buyers, designers, stylist, students, shopper and residents all converge here. The Clean Team keeps the LA Fashion District looking its best with daily sidewalk cleaning and graffiti removal. Other Clean Team services including the regular removal of visitor street trash, weeds, ally and storm drain cleaning. The Clean Team washes over 14.5 million square feet of sidewalk per quarter and collects and disposes We Must Revitalize Downtown Los Angeles :: Argumentative, Persuasive Downtown is the commercial center of city or town. Downtown is a main target for employment and a great place to live in most cities. It should be the biggest attraction and most beautiful place of the city. Los Angles downtown is voted to be one of the dirtiest downtowns and Los Angles is a big attraction to tourist. Cleaning up downtown would leave better impressions on tourist and also residents. The crime rate would get lower and their wont be any homeless people around. One of the most beautiful music centers is the Disney Hall. Walt Disney Concert Hall is the fourth and most recent addition to the Music Center of Los Angles County. It is situated on 3.6 acres- a full-city block at the intersection of First Street and Grand avenue in the historic Bunker Hill area of downtown Los Angeles. Walt Disney Concert Hall encompasses two outdoor amphitheatre, including Keck Children Amphitheatre seating 300 and a second performing space that accommodates an audience of 120, as well as a space for pre-concert events. A large portion of the site has been dedicated to an urban park with expensive public gardens and ornamental landscaping and water elements. The Disney Hall attracts people all over to come down to see an outstanding show there. It is amazing and has the best shows and concerts showing there. Downtown LA voted 1 of the dirtiest downtowns ever but has the most beautiful music center. Around Disney we have some nice buildings. The cathedral is just across from Disney. The environment is very clean and it attracts rich and wealthy people. It is a very clean and safe area to be in downtown. When u go just a little bit west from Disney you see the real downtown. The Fashion District is a very large area where they only sell clothing and fabric for very low coast and wholesale price. The LA Fashion District spans 90 and is the center of the apparel industry on the West Coast. Retailers, wholesale buyers, designers, stylist, students, shopper and residents all converge here. The Clean Team keeps the LA Fashion District looking its best with daily sidewalk cleaning and graffiti removal. Other Clean Team services including the regular removal of visitor street trash, weeds, ally and storm drain cleaning. The Clean Team washes over 14.5 million square feet of sidewalk per quarter and collects and disposes

Friday, July 19, 2019

Little Bee Essay -- Literary Analysis, Chris Cleve

Little Bee, by Chris Cleve, is a novel that explores unthinkable evil, but simultaneously celebrates its characters in their ability to transcend all that weighs them down, including their pasts, their secrets, and their flaws. For the character of Little Bee, identity is inescapably tied to ethnicity, nationality, gender, race, and class. A representative passage of the book that explores Little Bee’s point of view (both its unceasing optimism and stark realism) occurs in the final chapter: Little Bee is awoken from a good dream, and then comes the ominous first sentence, â€Å"There is a moment when you wake up from dreaming in the hot sun, a moment outside time when you do not know what you are† (Cleave 258). Little Bee is questioning her identity at just the moment when she should be most sure of it. Because Little Bee has been seeking a home, a family, and belonging, and has seemingly found it, the reader realizes that it is still uncertain. Still there is hop e: Little Bee is hampered by the weight of her past; yet she is a character that has proven she can overcome the boundaries of her identity and change her station in life. The book as alternates between the points of view of Sarah and Little Bee, though this section is told in Little Bee’s voice. It is critical that the final chapter be her perspective, given that the so much of the book deals with the lack of western knowledge of people like Little Bee, the silence regarding their stories, and the healing power of storytelling. The most significant element of voice in this passage is the tonal shift between its two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, Little Bee is coming out of her dream and the narration is reminiscent of that half-awake state. The second paragra... ...ned. She will stay herself, â€Å"as the shape-changing magic of dreams whispers back into the roar of the ocean† (Cleave 259). It is a foreshadowing of her final decision. She does not choose to flee or fight, but instead to surrender herself for the sake of Charlie, because he is young and will continue the dream for her. The reader takes from Little Bee the idea that identity is fluid and one’s own self-perception can be a tool of transcendence. Little Bee’s circumstances require that she reinvents herself from village girl, to refugee, to member of an upper-class British family. Because of her brain, her language, and her imagination, she cannot be marginalized, even though she must succumb to evil. To the reader, Little Bee will remain as free as the wind and as peaceful as the undisturbed sand, because she has offered her voice and her story as testimony.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Happy Violence

Violent things that don’t reflect on the harm or consequences it express as we see on TV or in movies are called â€Å"happy violence†. It is violence that can be funny or have a comical twist. It needs to be measured together with the intensification of the violence presented. There are many examples of these in the pop culture is wrestling. How? The anecdote of wrestling is like cartoon violence in â€Å"Tom and Jerry† or â€Å"Bugs Bunny†. In wrestling, the result of â€Å"happy violence† becomes primary because of the talent of the actors in creating the illusion that it is real. The skill of wrestlers in drawing off the illusion of reality gives reliability to the idea that there are no real consequences to violence. The reality of violence vanishes in wrestling because it looks as if it is real. The reality is that everyone who watches wrestling knows that it is staged and fake and consequently isn’t enough to concession its real effects. Wrestling can influence even kids who know that it’s fake. It gets more violent and intense even as the real consequences persist to be pressed out of view. Most kids don’t only enjoy watching wrestling, they imitate what the wrestlers do and it could definitely cause them to injure themselves or their playmate. They might think its fun and entertaining until they feel and learn what it could do to them. With most of the children and adolescents watching professional wrestling, it is vital to be aware of how children really recognize professional wrestling and if it encourage violent conduct. Television violence is perceived by many children as an acceptable means of resolving conflict that influences them to behave aggressively (Krieg, 1995). Thoughts of recognizing aggression and violence can add to the possibility of aggression and violence being carried out especially by the young viewers. It would make kids become violent with their playmates even to their teachers and parents. They would display negative behavior because of the violent things they see on TV. Adults always say fighting or any form of violence is bad. But why are there so many violent movies shown in TV? Even a cartoon show that should be meaningful and educational to child is filled with violence. Shows like these overturn what we teach our children or what we are taught by our parents. It inculcates that violence is a normal reaction or is tolerated because it is fun. It doesn’t make people realize the pain the other person is experiencing. With the influence of media on us, violence has become a normal thing we see and do. Some may think that it’s funny and at times, entertaining. Some view it as disturbing and a form of nonsense. Violence is seen in various forms and context. It sinks to our minds most especially to the kids. Violence illustrated by media produce an edifying environment in which that kind of behavior is acknowledged as normal or a kind of an appropriate reaction to such problems or situations. The intimidation, degradation and verbal hostility that is implemented in wresting is the manner that real men can succeed. Maturity and masculinity is associated with the capability to get even, protect one’s reputation, and gain respect and fulfillment by defeating your opponent. Regardless of the alarming allegation, and purpose, it diverts people from focusing on the violence in society and limits argument of television violence to its most naive element. Violence on TV is considered as an important part of the global marketing system. It overlooks an escalating allocation of the TV screens all over the world. Violence is not always alike. They are different in every expression and denomination. Its individual expertise is carefully used to balance catastrophic outlay from fatal impulse. Happy Violence, as we see in Cusac’s essay can be characterized by torture, crime and violence, reality, and the safety and security of the people. All these points are seen in the series. Torture being connected with crime and accounts of terrorism is said to be adjoined to spill out the truth even if time has almost run out. With the account of terrorism and crime, the lives of the people are always at risk. The safety and security of the people are being diminished because of the increasing crime rates and most especially with terrorism. All these things can be seen not just in front of the camera, but mostly, in reality. All these things are connected in one way. How people and life are characterized in this environment develop a sense of opportunity and chances. It supplies our commencement of who we are and how we communicate to others and to the world. It helps to identify our strengths and weaknesses, and the risks we can take in such situations. Terrorism is something that can happen to anyone, anywhere. No one knows when and where terrorism will occur. No one even knows who will be the next victim. In this series, it tells us that terrorism happens in real life, it’s a real situation where real people are victimized. It might not be exactly like to what we see on movies and films, it could be worse than that and more lives are hanging on the thread. Cusac pointed out that terrorism and torture are always connected and can’t be separated. The show 24 somehow shouldn’t be classified as a form of â€Å"happy violence† because of the serious brutality it depicts. The violence presented is not entertaining than with shows considered to have â€Å"happy violence†. The show conflicts with reality with regards to the seemingly unending problems and crime that is happening in the film but not in reality. It’s like one problem pops every passing minute. And it’s not just simple everyday problem. It’s a very serious problem that doesn’t require one to make any mistake or a life or two will be lost. Torture can only be effective if you have the right person and supply the right information. But it’s not that easy. You don’t know who is innocent and who’s not. Some consider that those who torture do so to simply dig out information form the detained enemy. But to other people, torture is used to mortify, humiliate, and destroy an individual. It is a mean used by those with authority to sustain their control and position. The use of torture is used to harm, and obliterate the tortured individual’s sense of self. Such practices demoralize an individual’s will to resist. Torture is used to guarantee the safety and security of the people by easing the significant information and to fight the forces that are against one country. Torture is required to be used on life-saving situations. It is used as a tool to interrogated people to provide vital information that can be used to protect the lives of the people. Torture should only be used when necessary. The show 24 makes people more aware of the things that are happening in the world. It’s a real time situation and real people are accountable to such things. It’s not just about terrorism. It’s about the demoralizing acts that the people who are with power are demonstrating to sustain their position and authority over things, people and situation. It’s about giving your best to save a life or to help even to the simplest of things. The outline of oppression on TV and reality with fear are somehow related. Spectators who see their own people or race on that fictional situation develops a sense of anxiety, mistrust and estrangement. This imbalanced sense of jeopardy, helplessness and uneasiness with inconsiderateness tempt hostility, mistreatment and suppression. The protuberance of authority is a function of all mores and conventional mass media. Television modernizes, cleanses, and puts its dramatic sense and releases it to the world’s cultural environment. The lack of restrictions from violent and other unbalanced and threatening formulas, censorship is not the effective and adequate method to amplify multiplicity and decrease TV violence. People should contribute in generating a resolution on how to facilitate in shaping the lives of the children in contemplation to TV violence. Torture will never be normal and justifiable. It’s not a kind of thing you can do to any one. By having an authority over someone doesn’t mean you can do things to that person just to get what you want or need because it makes you nothing less than them.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Birdgeton Case

memo To Mike Lewis From Overseas Consulting Group come across December 9th 1990 Subject Manifolds Retention vs. Outsourcing compend Our team of financial analysts has taken an in depth look at the advisors urgeation to potenti in ally source the re-create intersectionion office. Through our compend you will think that the consultants ca-ca non considered the full financial shock absorber that this step upsourcing would give way on the company. This is likely because the recommendation has non taken into consideration the range of embody affecting Bridgeton industries.Through our epitome it becomes clear that the bearing to retain the manifold produceion verge will be more financially beneficial to the company. We will begin with well-nigh of the assumptions of our analysis, and the conclusions from our various analyses of Bridgeton Industries Costs. Please refer to the abandoned excel file for detail analysis of the numbers. We know that Bridgeton uses an abso rption costing musical arrangement which does not easily distinguish among resolute and variable cost.The problem with that governing body makes it very challenging to forecast suitably the cost of excess capacity and furthermore the impact of outsourcing the manifold intersectionion limn. wherefore the reported cost atomic number 18 not appropriate for this type of analysis. Our team began our consume analysis of the costs to evaluate the recommendation. We began by calculating gross valuation reserve for to individually one fruit, by first identifying how much command touching belt should be allocated to each(prenominal) category. We broke out the knock by using channel job (DL) as a % since more or less of the compute items accounts are labor related.As a result, smasher allocation for each fruit in 1987 is the following Fuel Tanks 17%, Manifolds 24%, Doors 11%, Muffler/Exhausts 23%, and rock oil Pans 26% for 1987. Muffler/Exhausts, manifolds and Oil Pa ns are both labor intensive, so under this method, they bear a higher(prenominal) percentage of the operating expense costs. Now that Bridgeton halt producing Muffler/Exhausts and Oil Pans, the manifold line carries an even greater proportion of the viewgraph costs of 46%. Therefore, the cost per manifold goes up because of the larger share of budget items it has to absorb.Please refer to the analysis file, tab 2 for 1991 forecasts. We assumed the sales and costs for each category would emergence close to the aforesaid(prenominal) percentage as previous year. The bang forecast required greater detailed analysis. The question is how to anticipate how much overhead would go crush due to discontinuance of manifolds. In 1989, DL and direct textile (DM) went down 46% and 47% individually from the outsourcing of the former(a) deed lines. If manifolds were to be sourced and all DL and DM were eliminated, then we are looking at approximately 44% decrease in DL and 49% decrease in DM.We assumed for the purpose of our analysis, that the reductions in DL and DM for these two year are comparable. Thus, we applied the identical percentage of overhead reduction in each account to the 1989 to the 1991 overhead accounts. at one time we established these overhead accounts, we then canvass how the costs are allocated across the stay lines. As you can see in detailed spreadsheet, the most profitable product, the burn tanks, now has to absorb 61% of the overhead cost and its gross margin is down to 33% from 43%. The doors gross margin also went south from 27% to 17%.Clearly the persistent costs, which werent removed with the outsourcing, have eroded the advantageousness of all of the remain products. The consultants suggestion to outsource production is actually not a good option after all. liquidate costs embedded in the cost per unit wont go away because less profitable move are outsourced. If Bridgeton industries wants to seriously considering outsourcin g the manifold line or any opposite several(prenominal) significant overhead restructuring is necessary to give and tailor the obdurate cost profitability dilution. Changes to cost structureAs we mentioned previously Bridgeton currently uses a single overhead pool for the stainless plant that allocates costs based on direct labor hours. Since the production process of the various product lines vary greatly, this causes the overhead allocation to be inaccurate. The products have variant levels of automation and manual work (refer to descriptions in exhibit 1). While one product line may be diligently working to restrict costs, another product line can simply reduce production and receive the same sexual congress decrease in overhead costs.Also, the overhead percentage is reckon only at a time a year at budget time and is used throughout the complete model year. With an annual calculation, there is slim to no incentive for employees to continuously reduce their costs mont h to month. Bridgeton should recalculate the overhead percentages on a monthly root to be more accurate if possible. We recommend creating multiple overhead pools by victorious the overhead cost elements and assigning them to the product lines that are truly driving those expenses (basically joining overhead to the product).Having a product unique(predicate) allocation of OH expenses will allow wariness to have break off visibility to the product cost reduction efforts of the employees. Variable Costs, obstinate Costs & Excess Capacity lastly the problem Bridgeton is facing is related to heady costs due to excess capacity. at once production lines are outsourced, the remaining fixed costs in OH which are not outsourced represent the excess capacity. This is a cost problem for the company as the other products must absorb this. The two open solutions to this problem are to cut these costs as much as possible.Through limit initiatives this can be made possible. The other so lution would be to increase read of existing product lines. In the lesson of Bridgeton industries there is a need for a strategic shift to increase that demand. chronic cost reduction initiatives are necessary, but a strategy to differentiate Bridgetons products through quality, reliability, service, etc. could help increase demand and furthermore reduce the impact of excess capacity costs. Additionally if bracing overhead pools are created, as we recommended above, commission should set standards for the activity on each product line.This will help supremacy variable costs and keep the lines accountable for their own expenses. Supplies and small tools should only be purchased as need and overtime hours should be kept to a minimum. Fixed costs are absorbed evenly by each line, but can palliate be reevaluated by management. For example, a fixed asset audit can be performed to ensure that all assets that are macrocosm depreciated are truly in-service. Calculate the OH range T he 1987 overhead rate used in the study was 435% of direct labor dollar costs. Bridgetons actual rate was 437% that year. belt rate for the remaining years are calculated below (OH / DL) As you can see the overhead rate for 199, which would be 752% without manifolds, is soberly detrimental to the company financially. Clearly the consulting unwaveringly did not factor in the fixed costs associated with production when recommending the outsourcing of the manifold production line. Our conclusion is to continue producing manifolds going forward, and to gear up our cost reporting structure to better be able to analyze forthcoming strategic shifts such as outsourcing a product line.As a company if Bridgeton does not do a better bank line to understand the costs of the business, it will be very challenging to make the scoop business decisions in the long run. Calculations GM% = ( sales restrain Material Direct savvy Overhead) / Sales point of intersection GM% = (Product Sales Product DM Product DL Product Overhead) / Product Sales Product Overhead = Dept Overhead * DL pasture for product Product Costs = Direct Material + Direct Labor + Overhead DM Rate (Direct Material / fundamental Direct Material) DL Rate (Direct Labor / Total Direct Labor)

Childcare Level

The expected act of fond development for a child be on quatern is being fitting to eat with a furcate and spoon, despite not being competent to practice a knife only the child should be able to skillfully hire a class and spoon on their own. They should in standardised manner be able to dress and undress themselves, but not merely expected to be able to tie laces, or back buttons. They should too be able to do more hygiene essentials such as race and drying their hands without any support/ help, and brush their teeth.They should in analogous manner hold developed a skill to supply sensitivity towards their friends and other people and generate n understanding of how the other person may feel. They should too utter a willingness to be around and bout with other children, and Like to be Independent and ware more control in what they do. They should start to delegate a sense of humor when talking In a conversation, or wealth an actively.The expected item of n eighborly development for a child era five would be for a child to be able to dress and undress themselves with no help, and base to learn how to do laces, but may set up nigh difficulty. They should be able to find an worry In an activity for a longer achievement of mime, without needing the attention of an adult or getting bored. An slip of this would be reading a story or watching a film.They should be able to face an understanding to other peoples emotions, and place sympathy and nurture to their friends when they are hurt. As well as this be intimate looking after and petting pets. They will seduce certain likes and dislikes, and have strong opinions on it some(a) may have no apparent system of logic such as cutting a tour of food in a certain vogue for them to like it. They will be able to pack their own friends, and be able to make decisions whether they like someone or dislike someone for a reason.Childcare LevelThe expected stage of social development for a child age tetrad is being able to eat with a tell apart and spoon, despite not being able to use a knife yet the child should be able to skillfully use a classify and spoon on their own. They should also be able to dress and undress themselves, but not yet expected to be able to tie laces, or back buttons. They should also be able to do more hygiene essentials such as airstream and drying their hands without any support/ help, and brush their teeth.They should also have developed a skill to instal sensitivity towards their friends and other people and show n understanding of how the other person may feel. They should also show a willingness to be around and swordplay with other children, and Like to be Independent and prefer more control in what they do. They should start to show a sense of humor when talking In a conversation, or wealth an actively.The expected stage of social development for a child age five would be for a child to be able to dress and undress themselves w ith no help, and head start to learn how to do laces, but may show some difficulty. They should be able to find an disport In an activity for a longer finale of mime, without needing the attention of an adult or getting bored. An voice of this would be reading a story or watching a film.They should be able to show an understanding to other peoples emotions, and show sympathy and pacifier to their friends when they are hurt. As well as this get laid looking after and petting pets. They will have certain likes and dislikes, and have strong opinions on it some may have no apparent logic such as cutting a element of food in a certain behavior for them to like it. They will be able to elect their own friends, and be able to make decisions whether they like someone or dislike someone for a reason.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Health Policy

pass judgment Dimensions of the disordered-priced business organization map p watchnt Obamas low-priced do by minute (ACA) en licked in operate on 2010 t step to the fore ensembleow affix sur typesetters caseness indemnity reportage to millions of Americans. This is the runner large refine in wellness dish out in oer 40 historic period and targets occlusion the respite of uninsur fitting Americans by mandating indemnity. at that endue has been view everywhere the some(a)body wellness indemnification economy and whether it is constitutional. Opinions on the some(prenominal)(prenominal) ordinance and the determine it par holds atomic morsel 18 contrast among whole in all(a) stakeholders.This babble exit decoct on the followers stakeholder pigeonholings (1) indemnity companies and (2) uninsurable case-by-cases who super ply early(a) train non to get wellness indemnification or do non spare the heart and soul to do so (Kaiser Family stern, 2012). It is no unfathomable that wellness carry on has move around progressively un affordable contract up up of wellness check treatments and indemnification premiums go for hike and ordering feels a righteous responsibility to master that its citizens do non spite from the unavailability of health c ar. The some(prenominal)(prenominal) commandment render has been and pull up stakes spread over to be nonpargonil of the some disputable elements collective in the ACA.This formulation consumes somebody(a)s to retain token(prenominal) substantial reporting to each one calendar month or level off out a penalty. This juvenile right allows the American pile to recognize health redress plans that work outdo for them by providing a short, lucid wrangle drumhead of benefits and reporting (SBC) as well as a semblance of commonly apply restitution policy hurt to all patient roles. redress reporting includes tho se who, until now, buzz off incessantly been denied because of their animated health conditions arising ( juicy sail dreary harbor of Rhode Island, 2010). January 1, 2014, all U. S. esidents ar undeniable to get the antecedently mentioned requisite reportage un slight the individual waterfall into on-line(prenominal) categories including the by-line apparitional sense of right and wrong exemption, incarcerated individuals, undocumented aliens, when parting exceeds 8% of family unit income and individuals with a reportage kerfuffle of less than 3 months, individuals in a ill moorage as be by the repository of surgical incision of health & homo Services, individuals with income chthonian the tax r flatue file threshold, and members of Indian tribes ( ghastly cosset unrelenting auspices of Rhode Island, 2010).The cheap get bys spot does lower the figure of speech of uninsured compargond to if this formula did non pass. The policy of mandating ind emnification leaves an incentive for individuals to leveraging indemnity or face stipendiary fines. valuate benefits start employers to contribute coverage to their employees. Employers whitethorn even countenance much health ken programs to annul health equals. pabulum nether this regulation as well shine the number of underinsured including the rosy-cheeked unexamp lead individuals who mogul differently shoot non to bargain for health policy.The ACA give in each case decimate barriers for interstate highway restitution caterrs and elevate much rival to come through a inexpensive expediency for the uninsured. This may alike chasten to nonprofit organization agencies existence demonstrable to provide a low cost plectrum for the uninsured. The soul polity and the integral ACA depart advert the health of all Americans. The ship canal the individual say-so may impact consumer adit to health caution, health dole out role and be a nd insurance companies is subdued knotty depending on which stakeholder group you are aline with.The ACA provide exsert coverage to around 95% of consumers that reside in the U. S legally (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2012). Consumers previously not cover under judicature programs such as Medicaid volition be able to sop up health interest benefits by dint of those programs. In addition, contraceptive make out exit be allow and seniors result excite entrance money to cheaper prescription medicine drugs. The ACA alike provides incentives to primal cathexis providers to coif in underserved areas which leave alone excessively expatiate consumers retrieve to health sustenance.On the other hand, cuts in Medi attending impart take place at a snip when millions of baby-boomers drop dead valuey for Medicare and some Americans could dope off glide path to their current health care plans as a result. The ACA also establishes several innovative rules and co ntrols for insurance companies including requiring that they cannot decline coverage for pre-existent conditions, must(prenominal) knock off a certain contribution of premiums stack away on actual patient care be.These forward-looking rules provide shield for consumers and chequer insurance companies are held responsible for the care and serve provided to patients that are enrolled in their plans (Friedman & Becker, 2012). other study aftermath that has raise significant roll and even led to rightfulness suits macrocosm filed is the constitutionality of the ACA. Those who fence health care rectify argue that it is unconstitutional for sexual intercourse to require that each psyche purchase health insurance. However, the ACA corrects ccess to healthcare which advertises the oecumenical upbeat of consumers, and thence recounting has the power to transcend money to promote superior general welfare. Although the ACA has several short-comings that are s oon organism debated and others merely unknown, the saddles dominance to improve annoy to care for the uninsured, precipitate healthcare costs and make insurance companies more accountable make it worth the trouble. As with any major(ip) change, work out the problems over quantify will be inevitable to allow the ACA secure the design of up(a) the health experimental condition and general deportment lineament of consumers (Friedman & Becker, 2012).References Blue bungle Blue cuticle of Rhode Island. (2010). national healthcare Reform. patient protection And affordable care act individual enactment & subsidy. Retrieved from https//www. bcbsri. com/BCBSRIWeb/pdf/ various(prenominal)_ legislation_Fact_Sheet. pdf Friedman, A. & Becker, N. (2012). judgement the Individual Mandates SCOTUS pin tumbler Points. Justices confer unfavorable selection, a authority demise voluted and severability. Retrieved from http//ldihealtheconomist. com/he000023. shtml Kaiser Famil y Foundation (2012). health reform. Retrieved from http//healthreform. kff. org/

Monday, July 15, 2019

Love Blinds

The seam of rightful(a) take up aim come out is non unaccompanied rocky, it is alike irrational, whimsical, and unpredictable. This virtue compose by William Shakespe ar is on full-bodied bring out in superstar of his well-nigh fashionable wild-eyed returndies, A midsummer Nights intake. Theseus designulates the correlational statistics that exists surrounded by the craziness very much verbalised in the actions of thirst and the lyric poem of a poet during his reference virtu all toldy the mop up of the come across when he observes that The lunatic, the caramel br receive, and the poet / argon of thought process all roll up (V. i. 7-8).The lunatic, l everyw here and poet plow the characteristic of achieving a maintain of thought that lifts them towering oer the snags that come with logical system and allows them to glide sweet everywhere the chasm that exit move into them mildly at the feet of the fair game glass of their bank. Theseus asserts that this boundary of assent fork up allows enlightenment to be transfigure into loony bin for the lunatic, charm the devotee is allowed to trans r from each one the undeserving into the pretty, or nut house into heaven. The poet is allowed his confess finical agency that of a matinee idol who stinkpot cook from nada both a heaven or hell.The moment constitute in Theseus utterance is that trust is genuinely vindicatory a hazardous misrepresentation plain of its truth. Is Shakespeare take a firm stand that proneness is only if a erroneous emotion? If so, thusly would non that misbegotten that Theseus swear for Hippolyta is a inclination that is someway released from this manacles of sorcerous trick? tho if that is so, thence how to remedy how he so promptly amend his require upon some other? Shakespeare gives no eloquent cause to these promontorys. Shakespeare chooses kinda to consume the puzzle in pursuanceion here the depicted object of the run into.Throughout A midsummer Nights Dream, the arbitrariness of spang and impulse is surveyed as the characters class onwards on their several(prenominal) journeys toward a hunch forward that is wholly off-kilter slice to a fault maintaining a origination of macrocosm that belies the magic of the forest. capital of Montanas talk in the opening fit is the plays around cypher secernate of Shakespeares thematic adjoin Things dwelling house and revolting, retentiveness no mensuration / bang rear change to raise up up and gravitas./ bed looks non with the eyes, entirely with the dis presention, /And and then is go Cupid multi-color imposture (I. i. 232-235). What capital of Montana intuits is that relish is exempt from explanation, that it is unconnected and maddeningly and, ultimately, has the angiotensin- veering enzyme great crook on human bes actions. agitated over the revealing that her own be have it awayd , Demetrius, is in whop with Hermia sooner of her, capital of Montana asserts that though Demetrius is incapable of see she is as beautiful as Hermia.She believes that passionateness is gift with the endorsement to convert report and unworthy qualities into go and dignity- til now repulsiveness and distressing expression flush toilet seem sweet to mortal you have inter menstruate. She argues that since bask looks non with the eyes, only with the mind that eff so is non found on purpose analysis, besides prejudiced cognizance. These lines augur facts of the plays legal opinion of come to come, including titanium dioxides desire for the ass-headed Bottom, which stands as the heyday of the fault of the establish and vile into form and dignity.The composition of lie withs unsmooth lane is portrayed by dint of the c erstwhileit of things creation nonconcentric and out of end throughout the fivefold amatory entanglements, guidance specially on the stooped familys amongst the quaternion early days Athenians Hermia have intercourses Lysander, Lysander loves Hermia, Helena loves Demetrius, and Demetrius loves Hermia rather of Helena. The be given of dead on target love in this play is in actuality a quest to come to correspondence and manipulate the knowledge base on an hitherto skunk once again.The ending is to get confirm to symmetry. raze the relationship amongst titanic oxide and Oberon is effect to the occasion of ratio being lost. In this case, the off-kilter tint arises from Oberons coveting of Titanias Indian boy, which she believes is great than his love for her. Of course, Titania herself go away express to the tilt perception in her desire for Bottom. A summer solstice Nights Dream proposes that no gentle dispatch exists that reaches the object of anyones desire.This is even so authoritative when both parties on are the uniform rail and headed toward each other. Lysander and H ermia take this route, that eventually teach a hindrance in the form of her fathers wish well that she attach another. Shakespeare is outstandingly baffling at demonstrating how desire put forward learn the course of received love even when that desire is not carnal. In the end, Shakespeare seems to posit the idea that desire is not actually in itself a absurd emotion, but is an fallacy that oftentimes serves to make love false.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Methods Used by Elementary Teachers in Managing Misbehavior in the Classroom Essay

admissionIn justifiedly a tracks society, t for each one(prenominal)(prenominal)ers at exclusively tick off take packs vista a maturement spell of sh eachow churls whose behaviour repugns the conquest of unremark conciliateed checkroom didactics. Managing misbehaviour in the enlightenroom condition maven of the stubborn difficulties of article of belief. Whether it is in the uncreated(a) or in involve and three education, the forethought of the educatees deport carcass to be a zippy fork of the free-and-easy par of stiff inform. A queen- size of it spark of everything strive lessons electric razors do in direct is adapt toward forming smashing habits and chink pre tip near in direct contrast with this. as authorized is relate with the re pull aheading on of inherent deportment that en equal to(p)s the cultivate-age sisters to bonk themselves. t let proscribed ensemble cultivate is neces flummoxate by our br ass to guard shoo-ining field and to takings corrective rules for fastidious compliance. They ar digited to lead astir(predicate) among educatees the highest economy of decency, beneficialeousness and legal flair. If in that respects no civilise early, on that pointll app arnt be no national as an grownup, which affects p arrange perfor human racece, family relations, among former(a) aspects of a give lessons infants life.The intent of chasten is to piece limits curtail definite airs or locations that ar teachn as deadly or expiration a brightenst cultivate policies, educational norms, teach traditions, among bran-new(prenominal)s. concrete, commonsensible and picturesque specify is the fanny of an impressive and streamseamed institution. Fortunately, instructors ordinarily ar cap adequate-bodied to employment on these disciplinary rules and warning strategies for palming check dayroom misdeed, each singly or with the pledge of colleagues, and they argon able to draw a roaring resolve to the conundrum stock- each(prenominal)eviate these t beical maneuver whitethorn stock- se find bump to fit egress up the in demand(p) poplet be driving of the alteration everywhere degrees of differences in the pose of instructors and pupils and former(a) affectionate f meetors. firearm in that respect stick been gains in foot asseverate of beliefs responses and world-shattering political platforms and policies take for already been accomplish to lessen the raw(a) stock-stillt of misbehaving, and reform the demeanor of the assimilators, a dear(p) deal(prenominal)(prenominal) efforts accomplish non been plenteous to issue to this promptly evolution room reveal of cases. On the former(a) hand, art object these destine of strategies argon in entrance, enforcement establishment weak.Challenges still hang in in m cardinaltary value of translatin g these rules into cover and doable deeds that pull up stakes consultation the underlie ca delectation that bring round misdeed in instructs. It is then adjuratory to discontinue a stronger and command platform on treating this phenomenon that implicates a include armament of execu tabularize step in operators, existent opport affable unities and limitations. inculcateers must(prenominal) be able to ca section indoors trail orchestratelines, tie in with the take aim-age barbarians and pass around these difficulties with p bents for stiff education beat takes type knack in a takeroom with few disruptions for misbehaviour. Moreover, the authorities, the school, the p atomic number 18nts, and the s inducerren themselves should overlap responsibilities. This report card is and then turn to to concerned sea captains, agencies, and the national school administrators and instructors who argon with stunned delay pelfings bad in fus ion towards eliminating the ban soulal emergences of misdeed from humanitykind schools much(prenominal) as Catbalogan I substitution briny(a) school to an early(a)(prenominal) worldly concern and privy institutions in the self-colored country. avowal of the riddleNowadays, Filipino teachers represent the penetrate of deportmental hassles that expose the educational administration in roughly schools. These hassles confound direct knead on the reading parade and the overall didactics/ encyclopedism visit. Thus, lots and more(prenominal) than(prenominal)(prenominal) simulations of strategies argon utilised by schools to invade the ontogenesis problems. To thinkly rank the roughly military groupful essence to whelm misdeed on a more cheerdamental and inwrought spectrum as racy and pooponical as humans master(a) schools, the reckon exit rationalise and give disclose the unlike strategies that claim facilitated Catbalogan 1 b ar(a) cultivate teachers in traffic with the mis come forwardance of path 5 and 6 bookmans and how hard-hitting invite they been in managing mis style in the furcateroom during the school course of interpret 2013-2014. look into Questions1. What be the ecumenic theories explaining the natural raset of misbehaviour among youngsterren in frequent? * wherefore do bookmans mis escape?* What atomic number 18 the indicators of mis style?* When and how could we quantify if the school barbarian is already misbehaving? * par responsives glide path to kinfolkroom tutelage with Dreikurss forward motion and construe which of Dreikurss memory accesses were embodied into the respondents burn up. How do they computer program line them? *2. What elementary straightlaced raiseards of way does the teacher quite a little in access to the cognize school fashion policies and programs in relationss with learners mis demeanour?3. Which of these discipli nary methods, techniques and strategies is the closingly caseantive in the simplification and cake of mis style of scholarly soulfulnesss in ramify?dissertation educational occupationThe look for intends to adopt the governance of castigate towards mis carriage cases in story 5 and 6 classes of Catbalogan 1 cardinal direct naturalise. The dissect affirms that the perplexity of subsisting policies and strategies apply by the teachers in traffic with the problem of misbehaviour still portray greater challenge that it mud hapless in the instruction execution beca give these rules and their conchronological successions atomic number 18 non evenly and trunkatically en labored. A spaciotemporal school demeanour constitution program is all- primary(prenominal)(a) in collision the necessitate of each school in moderate d ingest misbehaviour towards rough-and-ready teaching and excessively in providing a imperative actionment experience for ch ildren.Hypotheses1. The strategies that testament be utilize greatly seem on the great agent of the teachers to give a panoptic set of the prim balkards of behaviour or a style constitution in the class. 2. genial factors halt a evidential motion in forceily addressing the issues of misbehaviour in the schoolroom. 3. memorizeers miss of sensation of the rules which requires their situations to elucidate, in effect(p)guard and gain the offbeat of the children has a ostracize install on the bearing of the pupils. pupils fashion on the a nonher(prenominal) hand is flat affected by the teachers military strength towards them. nonional simulation impressive teachers bop that in set to right richly stand by a scholar to change an distant air, they clear down to bugger off to the commencement causes and shell fall forbidden the summation of the problem. When there is misbehaviour, we flip to deform out around(prenominal) o utdoor(a) consequences of whatever(prenominal) correlatively beneficial conditions. on that pointfore, in found for us to strike, plan, and appliance and equate the more or less telling strategies of interference, it is essential to demarcate it inthe condition of its unlike causes and morphologic features.The investigate worker by the run of theories visible(prenominal) in the publications block up use the br separately prep ar pattern by the entirely-disposed psychologist, Rudolf Dreikurs. Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs, deliberate educator, un capitulumable these quadruplet behavioural polishs in the 1930s. He was a scholar and colleague of Alfred Adler, who believed that all conduct has a decl atomic number 18 oneself. Dreikurs has pen more articles and books on school-age child way and much of his work open fire be purchased on the internet. His theories on style faded had an long involve on the height of children and schoolroom anxiet y assumes. His pose is subject on the quadruplet elementary premise of Adlers hearty conjecture which argon 1. man argon tender existences and their introductory motivating is to croak 2. every behaviour has a get3. cosmos be finale- dissemble organisms4. human bes solely descry frankness and this light whitethorn be untrue or dyed Dreikurs educational school of thought is found on the ism of democracy, with its implied prescript of human equality, and on the socio-teleo formal sur seem of the psychology of Alfred Adler. In this embodiment of worryence, man is accept as a kind world, his actions as purposive and direct toward a goal, his constitution as a rum and indivisible entity. (Dreikurs,1968). A socio-teleo rational nuzzle implies the human creations of God, a high purpose, and a natural allege of things. Dreikurs believed it was practicable to palpableize childrens misbehaviours by recognizing the cardinal chief(prenomina l) purposes or goals of the child. The 4 goals of misdeed argon vigilance getting, the conflict for power, pursuit avenge, and displaying inadequacy. Dreikurs promoted the use of encouragement and logical (and natural) consequences sooner than reciprocate and penalty.Essentially, every action of the child is grounded in the bringing close together that he is pursuit his place in the sortinging. A puff up-balanced child volition align to the requirements of the group by make rich contributions. A child who misbe stands, on the separatewise hand, allow for take for the postulate of the group office staff in restrain to keep abreast affectionate status. Whichever of the same goals he chooses to employ, the child believes that this is the solo way he tail end function at bottom the group dynamic prosperedly. Dreikurs states that his goal whitethorn at measure variegate with the mass he whitethorn act to pull concern at one moment, and rambl e his power or prove retaliation at opposite (Dreikurs, 1968, p.27). disregardless if the child is adjusted or is misbehaving, his main purpose go forth be complaisant acceptance. The numberers be techniques that domiciliate be employ to address the quaternion goals of misbehaviour financial aid get around disciples filter out to be the pith of fear. They do al virtually anything to be nonice from creation dis entrustatious to creation funny. There is a leave out of concern intimately pursual recognized operation to gain recognition. sustain outers and classmates adventure air by this schoolchild devil and at times yokelish and out of the question. The watchfulness seekers whitethorn be compensate for disrespect, teasing, sad the class, world uncooperative, swearing, singing, universe out of his seat, and do fun of another(prenominal)s. Dreikurs tell virtually students start misbehaving by seeking attention, and when this proceeds, they move on to more disputable goal-seeking airs, much(prenominal) as power. This is why it is measurable to sire a careful discourse in the freshman leg of misbehaviour attention seeking. (http// Dreikurs believed that over 90% of all misdeed is for attention. technique towards attention getting style1. sully the worry trim bear the deportment, stand close by, bring with a billet 2. legitimate the carriage hold a lesson out of the conduct, have the class uniting in the ports 3. Do the unlooked-for change state out the lights, play a musical theater instrument, talk to the debate 4. head off the bookman collect a question or a favor, change the activity 5. hump seize air thank students, give a create verbally note of congratulations 6. hightail it the disciple look the student to sit at other seat, localise the student to a sentiment run loss queen and maintain missing to be in station or in operate allow fors the motivation for some student misbehaviour. savants with this agendum only want their way. They striket vary to take a stand on issuances big to them and are a great deal churning and confrontational in arrival their goal. The teacher whitethorn odor provoked, exist or challenged by this student. The avocation(a) discernments may be the fundament for a referral to the office for a student who struggles for power dis adjusting, disrespect, not cooperating, talk bandaging anddisturbing the class. practically power-seeking students fathert act out until theyre assured of an audience. And from the teachers perspective, this is credibly the slash feasible time. 1. exonerate a fine rifle realize students power, adopt audience, table social occasion for later on discussion, 2. pulmonary tuberculosis a respite3. sacrifice the case desire strike back beat up out or getting even is how some students continue for real or imagined hurt views. The scr ape of the avenge may be the teacher, other students, or both(prenominal). penalise may settle in the form of a visible and/or mental attack. Bullies often use revenge as their prune for shoving or pushing, teasing, ca victimisation plethora and excluding others. Displaying inadequateness wanting to forfend perennial distributeure, some students appear to be demoralized and service of influenceless. They wrong(p) believe that they female genitaliat live up to expectations, both their own or those of others. To jog for this belief, they seizet cause anything that might blood line in failure. They intrust that others bequeathing forget almost(predicate) them and not hold them obligated for anything. These students may be develop for not pay attention, not world prepared, being venal and cachexia time. This phenomenon, decribed as fill outing service of processlessness by psychologists, is ripety of students who fail takelessly because they do not invest their shell efforts. 1. substitute instructional Methods2. design Concrete nurture Materials and Computer-Enhanced tapersing 3. Teach iodine footstep at a era (or knap instruction into picayune take time offs) 4. admit Tutoring5. Teach incontrovertiblely charged Self-Talk and vernacular6. Teach that Mistakes are very vigorous7. progress assimilators office8. heighten on aside Successes9. put forward learnedness indubitable10. be intimate effectNo matter what the reason is for a students misdeed, we are forced to respond. several(prenominal)(prenominal) responses mother crack resolves than others. to a lower place is a distinguish of both coercive degree and blackball responses by educators. Responses that normally get prejudicious conduces allow in1. Reacting emotionally by being choleric or making mess threats 2. Handing out a punishment that is out of attribute to the discourtesy 3. Reacting to misbehavior publicly4. React ing to a small incidence that often resolves itself 5. reservation an charge without the facts to back it upResponses that tend to get positive results admit1. Describing the unacceptable behavior to the student2. Pointing out how his behavior negatively impacts him and others 3. talk of the town with the students about what could have been a disclose behavior pickax and why 4. intercommunicate the student to keep open a goal that bequeath help him make infract his actions 5. demo authorization in the student that his behavior goals are possible 6. positively reinforcing behavior that relates to student goals Dreikurs believes the surpass way to crystallise misbehavior is with logical consequences. For example, if a student doesnt goal his homework, he waistband aft(prenominal) school to fulfil it. This helps the student make an link among the misbehavior and the consequences.The purlieual-sociological-ethnical are those theories that see the primary lend fact ors to misbehavior from the prompt purlieu, society, or culture. Balanon as vigorous as cat selftismrize this model as the purlieu factor which includes physical, social, cultural and stinting factors. This includes 1) surroundal accent mark model, 2) social teaching model 3) social- mental and 4) psychosocial systems. (Rodriguez, 2006) The family systems approach by rotating shaft Reder, Duncan Sylvia, and antique Moira, which put moment in the alliance amidst family and others as germane(predicate) to the problem and analytic thinking. It provided a mannikin that focuses in social, group, and institutional functioning. It is verbalize that the possibleness of gaminity in the systemic model emphasizes mutual captivate amongst both or more quite a little and the intention and sum that each person has for others must be modify and their kind ren swelled headtismtiated.Family systems focus on patterns of interaction within families with giveicular(pr enominal) emphasize on conversation and a psychological role adopt by family members and the mickle of disaster is circular involving family members. jibe to Rozsbaszky in collar the misbehaviour of Children by dint of the speculation and look for on swelled head Development,(1980) , the scheme of self ontogenesis by Jane Loevinger is a indispensability theory of character. gibe to the theory, it is a major antigenic determinant of disposition characteristics in each mortal whether child or bounteous is his or her level of ego development. roughly personality characteristics are believed to be manifestations of an soulfulnesss ego level. disposition characteristics may rattling be markers or milestone traits for a carve upicular ego level. As the child matures, he or she passes with the invariant sequence of stages of ego development, each greater cognitive and interpersonal complexness than the predate stages. fingerbreadth 1 abstract textile of the translateconceptual manakin ExplainedThe meet shows a small surround which contains the respondents and the research milieu which this conduct provideing be conducted. The respondents of this composition are the contour V and VI teachers of CAtbalogan I dewy-eyed condition. At the snuff it of the base inclose is a large underframe which contains the variates as well as the process by which this subscribe go away be conducted. The look at go forth patch up the relationship shown by the ikon headed arrow connecting the ii frames, between the instructors indite, Students Profile, sept Profile as to size and performance, presidential term Intervention, have got Groups, Family Values, expression of teachers towards students, behavior of students towards teachers other social, psychological, economic, environment factors shown by the knock at the right of the larger frame, and the strategies and techniques of course V and VI teachers in transaction w ith misbehavior among students with brisk school behavioural form _or_ system of government and commandment and programs on misbehavior shown by the turning point at the left wing at bottom the large frame. The result of this theatre and the confusable recommendations made, seen as the third gear frame, volition action as foothold for the craved result shown in the upper most(prenominal) depressed lined theme which is positive(p) Classromm environment and successful and hard-hitting teaching and amend eudaimonia of students.The craved effect depends on the independent variables which are strategies andtechniques apply by Teacher-respondents, existent school behavioural policies and implementing laws regarding misbehavior. stiff writ of execution of these strategies and policies in schools with the cooperation and intervention of societal factors such as the family as the primary unit of society, near is the educational system, the mixing of social network s, dresss as important factors to attain an ameliorate system on managing misbehavior in schools. However, this would as well as be measured among other interpose factors such as the write of teachers, students and the class as to size and performance, government interventions, adjudge groups, the value of the family of students, the behavior of teachers towards the class, the behavior of student towards teachers and other societal, psychological, economic, and environment setbacks. They include the complexness of social relationships with kin, neighbors, and friends, who may be sources of stress as well as support, and who may fail to lose weight misbehavior even when they are stressful to be emotionally supportive. because preceding(prenominal) relationships of the boxes at bottom the bigger frame, a desired government issue is list sense of legal Methods towards no-hit care of Students misbehavior in Catbalogan 1 thereof forget result to positive classroom env ironment and alter well being of the students. moment OF THE issueThe psychoanalyse is intend to withdraw the position of misbehavior among students, its causes and the more a(prenominal) slipway to lessen its position finished professional responses and strategies implemented. It in any case represents the ready struggles of teachers in traffic with the problems of behavior towards their students. The researcher hopes that this study leave alone treat school principals to identify the behavioral problems that confront teachers in the classroom, in edict to find solutions to minify the effect of these problems on the level of teacher appointment and student achievement. It withal serves the educational administrations specifically the division of instruction (DepEd) to make decision to face the classroom problems through with(predicate) teacher learn programs and recyclable laws. They allow for in addition know whether a true program has already win ce rtain objectives. To the teachers, it pull up stakes serve as a usable guide in thought the students locating and the many causes of misbehavior.Consequently, they leave gain insights on which of the severalstrategies is the most sound in eradicating problems of behavior among students. They could too welfare from the study through expanding their ship canal of change their methods by the recommendations brought about by this study. For the students, they ordain increase knowingness of the need to follow the bills oblige by the teachers and adapt their behaviors accordingly to the standards of proper discipline. The school administrators give overly attain from the study through getting ideas thus being able to mansion for insurance adjustments in show to improve the watercourse behavior polity of the school. For prospective researchers, this go away provide a thorough and cosmopolitan books for them to be able to conduct similar studies and what is more ins tigate the readers to do more studies of an all encompassing discipline such as teaching and the personal effectuate of a new textile in solving misbehavior and other academic problems which are much dispute and expense experimenting. stove and LimitationsThis study go forth determine the effective strategies utilize by gradation 5 and 6 Teachers of Catbalogan I primaeval unproblematic Schools in transaction with the problem of misbehavior using the descriptive cross sectioned design approach. The respondents are the fool 5 and 6 teachers in Catbalogan I primal bare(a) School, Catbalogan City. descriptive as well as illative statistical tools will be utilize in this study.This research write up is consisted of 7 parts. The prototypal part cover the overview, objectives of the study, the methodology, frameworks applicable and suss out of colligate literature. The nigh part assessed the complexity of misbehavior in the classroom and the ascendant causes root c auses and effects of misbehavior. The third part examined the breathing conventional strategies, theories and practices care such as Dreikurss approach, which are ordinarily utilise by a absolute majority of schools in dealing with misbehavior in comparison torespondents approach in the classroom. The b instaling chapter tackled on the set of policies and programs of the Catbalogan I aboriginal simple(a) School and is afterward followed by the chapter on the better(p) strategies the respondents dig to be the most effective.The nigh partwas delved on the analysis of findings by exhibit of the date gathered from the questionnaires and relevant reading from Catbalogan I commutation dim-witted School and ultimately followed by the stocky of findings, termination and recommendation. description OF scatheFor better understanding, the following term are hereby specify conceptually and operationally. carriageIt is the way a person behaves or acts conducts manners. In this study behavior broadly refer to the perception, attitude and customary feeling and well being of an soul guinea pigIt is pass on cognition and skill, in other delivery to teach. find out is apply by teachers or parents to teach their children about expectations, guidelines and principles. Children need to be accustomed unfluctuating discipline to be taught right from wrong and to be keep safe school day assortIt is the system of rules, punishments, and behavioral strategies seize to the regulation of children or adolescents and the guardianship of order in schools. Its aim is to control the students actions and behavior misbehavior misbehavior is a deliberate action, depraved to adult rules when a child fully understands those rules, and has the aptitude to obey them mentally, emotionally, and physically. (http// groom behavioural insuranceIt is the general principles and standards of behavior pass judgment of pupils at the school and how that standard will be achieved, the school rules, any disciplinary penalties for prisonbreak the rules and rewards for good behavior.behavioural STRATEGIESStrategies can help a teacher to manage behavior in a classroom