Saturday, August 31, 2019
Random Walks for P2P Resource Discovery in Grids
Random Walks for P2P Resource Discovery in Grids Abstraction: Peer-to-peer ( P2P ) resource locale methods in grid agreements have been soon investigated to achieve scalability, dependability, efficiency, fault-tolerance, protection, and hardiness. Query declaration for detecting resources and advise informations on their ain resource rank in these agreements can be inattentive as the reverse of allowing one equal to achieve a unconditioned think of Earth informations described on all equals of a P2P unstructured web. In this paper, the agreement is embodied as a set of nodes related to organize a P2P web whereas every individual node holds a piece of informations that is needed to be communicated to all the participants. Furthermore, we accept that the informations can vibrantly alter and that every individual equal sporadically needs to admission the benefits of the informations of all auxiliary equals. A fresh manner established on a changeless flow of use packages exchanged amid the nodes using the random amble rule and rateless cryptograph y is proposed. An advanced rateless decrypting mechanism that is able to get by aboard asynchronous informations updates is to boot proposed. The presentation of the counseled agreement is assessed both analytically and by experimentation by simulation. The analytical wake show that the counseled scheme warrants speedy diffusion of the informations and graduated tables good to colossal webs. Simulations display that the method is competent to boot in attending of web and information kineticss.debutPEER-TO-PEER ( P2P ) resource locale methods in grid agreements have been investigated to achieve scalability, dependability, efficiency, fault-tolerance, protection, and robustness.To this conclude, structured, unstructured, and intercrossed P2P agreements have been believed and the comparative virtues and drawbacks have been highlighted [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] . Countless propositions working unstructured P2P agreements apportion a public feature: Grid nodes inside one official country sporadicall y query for detecting resources and advise informations on their ain resource rank across one or excess interface equals. The interface equals ( normally those alongside the biggest capacity ) frolic two chief functions: they are related to auxiliary interface peersforming a P2P unstructured web that is utilised to onward ( and reply to ) questions on the behalf of nodes in its official sphere. They amass and uphold informations of all nodes in the innate functionary domain.Query declaration in these agreements can be inattentive as the reverse of allowing one equal to achieve a unconditioned think of Earth informations described on all equals of a P2P unstructured web. In peculiar, we accept that every individual equal holds a piece of informations ( the sum resource ranks of all nodes in its official sphere ) and that each equal needs to admission the benefits of the informations of all auxiliary equals sporadically at rate _ queries=sec. The purposes to be attained are treble: ea rly, one wants to assure that every individual node is likely to accumulate the finished Earth informations in a timely manner. Furthermore, the contact operating expense have to be retained every bit manipulated as likely to besiege cloging the web. Finally, the processing use of every individual node have to be utilised parsimoniously.Related work:The reverse of informations meeting in distributed agreements has been confronted aboard infinite disparate instruments and approaches.A early category of methods are those established on probabilistic gossipmongering [ 3 ] , [ 4 ] . Probabilistic gossipmongering has been utilized both to calculate a intent of the Earth informations, e.g. , norms, and to truly range innate informations across a web as in our scenes even though such methods rely on a set of premises that are tough to assure in exercising [ 5 ] . Noteworthy enterprises to beat a small of these restrictions in the span of epidemic airing are [ 6 ] , [ 7 ] that effect in clo se to optimal latency-bandwidth trade-of. In peculiar, [ 6 ] utilizations flow use on the maximal rate at that a member can show updates missing crafting a backlog and devises content rapprochement mechanisms to cut memo redundancy. In [ 7 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] , [ 10 ] exploitation/ execution of topological belongingss of the web are counseled to heighten the presentation of the informations airing procedure. Algebraic Gossip, counseled in, is the early algorithm turn toing informations meeting alongside web cryptography. In this paper a chitchat algorithm established on NC is gave, and it is proved that the spreading period of this algorithm is O?K? , whereK & A ; lt ; Nis the figure of nodes possessing a small information to distribute. This algorithm is highly comparable to classical North carolina: at every individual transmittal chance, every individual node sends to one more node a additive combination, computed in Galois Earth GF?q? alongside q _ K, of the beforehand consented packages. However, NC exhibits a elevated computational elaborateness [ 12 ] , due to the monetary value of the cryptography and decryption processs gave in high-order GF. Furthermore, every individual package demands cushioning of auxiliary Klog2?q? & A ; gt ; Klog2?K? spots. Such embroidering bends to be impossible for colossal webs ; as an illustration, if K ? 1 ; 000 every individual package needs excess than 104 embroidering spots. Finally, the writers advocate that the memo size m ought to scale alongside the size of the web, as it is needed that m _ log?q? . A disparate manner is to hive away and craft packages using rateless codifications. In [ 13 ] distributed fountain codifications are counseled for networked storage. To craft a new encoded package, every individual storage node asks informations to a indiscriminately selected node of the web. The receiving system replies to the company despatching its informations, that will be utilized by the company to encode a new package. A comparable algorithm is counseled in [ 14 ] , whereas the coded package formation mechanism is reversed ; in this instance, the nodes that shops the informations despatch random Walkers embracing the information. The storage nodes store this information and trade encoded packages XORing a small of the informations they by now received. At the conclude of the process, every individual storage node shops an encoded package, and it is likely to repossess the early informations questioning each K ? _ indiscriminately selected storage nodes. Development codifications, counseled in [ 15 ] , utilize a comparable method but advocate a peculiar grade allotment for the rateless codifications to maximise the informations continuity in attending of a lone i nformation aggregator node. In all the beforehand gave documents, the construct of the codifications is node-centric, i.e. , the nodes cope alongside the informations meeting and the encoding operations this duty is allocated to the packages. The mark of this work is to utilize peculiar random Walkers, shouted as rateless packages, for distributed storage of informations in WSN. Every individual node creates a precise figure of ratelesspackets, that are chiefly empty packages that excursion across the web as random Walkers. The purpose in [ 16 ] is to utilize packages encoded in a distributed manner that will be stored at random locations in the web to maximise informations continuity in the WSN. Every individual rateless package is associated alongside a grade selected prosecuting the mean Luby Change ( LT ) grade allotment, and T, the blending period of the graph, is conjectural to be known. Every individual rateless package performs a random amble across the web and a fresh information is joined simply after every individual T hops ; after a new information is added the package grade is decreased by one. After the grade becomes zero, the rateless package performs t auxiliary hops to hit the node that will hive away it. Though, the focal point of the paper is to lift informations continuity ; the period needed for the allotment of the rateless packages is non studied.PROPOSED WorkIn this paper we ideal the interface equals of a Grid agreement and the connexions amid them as a graph G?V ; E? , whereas V and E are the set of interface equals and boundary lines associating them, severally. Every individual node of the web is exceptionally recognized by an identifier ID. The ID can be allocated by a fixed rendezvous node, e.g. , a tracker, or can be embodied by the IP, haven reference of the node. Every individual node vj 2 V owns an m-bits informations ten tjvj, whereas tj is a time-stamp or an whole number that is incremented every individual period the informations in vj alterations. To clarify the notation in the remainder of the paper we accept that vj coincides alongside the ID of node ; tj is usually denoted to as the creative activity figure. In our scenes a node can advise its informations asynchronously alongside regard to the remainder of the web, lifting the creative activity associated alongside the information. The purpose of nodes is to discourse aboard one one more the corresponding informations, so as to grok a coincident screening of all the informations amassed by all the nodes in the web. This have to be completed indefinitely often at an arbitrary rate _ by every individual node. This observation Torahs out each centralised declaration whereas all nodes study to a public monitoring node, that in spiral have to propagate the amassed informations to all the participants. This manner is clearly impossible because it imposes a immense figure of traffic to and from the monitoring node, non to note the topics connected to the ballot and exposure of a centralised sink Therefore, in this paper we advocate a to the full distributed declaration established on random walks. Every individual node is allowed to onset a manipulated figure tungsten of packages that are the random Walkers propagating the information in the web. The parametric quantity w clearly permits one to manipulation the figure of traffic inoculated in the web. On every individual response by a node, the package is forwarded to a random familiarity hence groking a easy signifier of probabilistic gossipmongering. It is good recognized that web coding declarations, e.g. , hold oning additive combinations of the amassed information, increases the presentation in words of throughput, hardiness and continuity. On the auxiliary manus, coding ways display two chief defects. The early and most erudite topic is embodied by the added computational complexness. A likely declaration that has by now been counseled in the plants is to clarify the early random web coding manner, that needs one to fa ll in the information blocks in elevated order Galois Field, alongside agreements established on easy binary combinations, e.g. , XOR. Our work headers alongside the elaborateness capable using a easy category of rateless codifications, recognized as Luby Change codes [ 19 ] . The subsequent most relevant defect of NC is embodied the unlikeliness for a node to advise asynchronously the informations it merges missing calamitously impacting on the decryption accomplishment of all the auxiliary nodes. Indeed, the nodes retain roll uping additive combinations of a set of terra incognitas till they prosperously invert the corresponding agreement of equations. Clearly, the agreement of additive equations is meaningful if one keeps fall ining the similar information. On the contrary, in this paper we advocate a fresh decryption manner for LT codifications that is resilient to asynchronous accommodations of the information. In decision, we allow every individual node propagate a fixed figur e of packages hold oning coded informations of the nodes that the packages have hit giving a random amble aboard G?V ; E? . All the nodes use the consented packages to decide a agreement of additive equations allowing them to repossess the informations associated alongside all the informations collected by the web in a timely, finished and robust way.In the prosecuting the characteristics of the counseled random amble coding scheme and the design of the fresh LT decryption algorithm are presented. This estimate might be computed by the nodes spoting the IDs of the nodes encompassed in the beforehand consented equations. To get by alongside the construct of the equation harmonizing to the RSD, every individual package carries in the heading part the indicating of the grade dF that have to be attained by the equation below formation in the package ( that in our scenes is the early equation composed in the package organic structure signifier left to compensate ) . After a node vj at creative activity tj receives a package, it checks if the grade of the early equation stored in the package has grasped the demanded grade. If dF & A ; gt ; d1, and therefore the mark grade has non been grasped yet, the node performs three operations: it XORs its informations to the word c1, i.e. , c1 ? c1 _ Next the degree d1 of the equation is incremented and the corresponding Earth in the package updated. Finally, the node vj and the information timestamp tj are appended to the equation. On the auxiliary manus, if dF ? d1, the early equation has by now attained the demanded grade, therefore a new equation is crafted and stored as the new early equation, as the auxiliary equations are advanced, for example, eqi becomes eqi?1 for I ? 1. . . k. To craft a new equation eq1 a node draws a random grade from RSD and shops it in the dF Earth of the package heading. Following d1 ? 1 is set, its vj, its existent timestamp tj and informations c1 ? x tj vj are composed in the proper Fieldss. Every individual package crafted or notified by a node is following forwarded to one more node, indiscriminately selected amid the innate neighbours. The figure of hops globally seized by a package is non manipulated in our system. The merely restriction is embodied by the maximal package size DIM, that is normally imposed by the maximal transportation component allowed by the implicit in contact cognition at the physical bed. After a package ways the maximal dimension DIM, the eldest equation grasped by it is deleted as it is highly likely to keep aged or by now recognized information. 3.1Random Walk LT Coding In instance of a vivacious web, whereas nodes can randomly nexus and go the graph G?V ; E? and/or in attending of undependable links that coil into package lickings, a mechanism to admit the attending of a given package in the web have to be devised. As an illustration, an acknowledgement timer ( a Time-to-Live field ) and the reference of the conceiver can be added to the message. As usual, The acknowledgement timer Earth is initialized to a steady worth on the package construct, following every individual node decreases it on every individual hop. After the acknowledgement timer reaches 0 the consenting node acknowledges the conceiver that its random Walker is yet alive. The accepting node to boot resets the acknowledgement timer to the early value. The conceiver of the package uses a timer to detect package losingss ; after a timer expires beforehand the response of the corresponding recognition memo the node is allowed to renew the package. 3.2 ASYNCHRONOUS LT Decoding: The information scope by the random Walkers can be recouped by each node in the web every bit rapidly as the figure of equations needed to show an LT decryption algorithm has been collected. As our purpose is to retrace the information every bit fleetly as likely, all the equations grasped by every individual package, embracing the 1s that are yet in advancement, are buffered by every individual node. If we accept that the figure of nodes jV J in the web is equal to N, the decipherer undertaking can be formulated as the declaration of the agreement of additive equations Gx ? c whereas G is an N _ N binary1 matrix whose lines embody the N likely independent equations amassed by the node, x and degree Celsiuss are N _ 1 column vectors stand foring the N unfamiliar pieces of informations and the corresponding buffered additive combinations grasped by the packages warheads. Both x and hundred encompass m-bit elements. The node can reimburse all the informations x using a progressive sign ifier of Gaussian Elimination to decide the system. Clearly, this will necessitate all the nodes in the web to retain their informations sweetheart to besiege unhinging the declaration of the system.Consequences and executionIn this helping we furnish anscutiny of the period needed to run all the innate informations to all the members in the web, that in the pursuing is described as recovery clip. In peculiar, we are interested in patterning the recovery period as a intent of the size of the innate informations m, the figure of random Walkers generated each node tungsten and figure of nodes in the web N, given the restraint on the maximal size of the random amble packages DIM. Furthermore, the counseled analytical ideal licenses to difference the coded manner versus an correspondent agreement missing cryptography, i.e. , after the information is gossiped explicitly. In fact, the counseled manner degenerates into an uncoded agreement if one Decision:In this paper we have shown that the present progresss in rateless cryptography and decryption can be lucratively exploited to carry through a robust and timely P2P resource venue method in Grid systems. The chief freshness of the counseled manner lies in the usage of web coding rules in a scenario whereas innate informations can be notified asynchronously. Furthermore, as challenged to a small signifiers of distributed storage counseled in the plants, our proposition realizes a changeless notify of the Earth informations across the finished distributed agreement, as maintaining the figure of traffic below control. From the algorithmic point of think, the chief part is embodied by the design of a fresh decipherer for rateless codifications that is robust to asynchronous updates of the information. One more interesting effect that we attained is the advancement of a easy analytical ideal for the appraisal of the period needed to run the information as a intent of the web and information sizes, given a restraint on the MTU allowed by the gettable transmittal protocol. Such a ideal can be exploited for the appraisal of the presentation and for the choice of a small critical parametric quantities of the system. The analytical wake show that the counseled coded manner reduces the period needed to discourse all the informations aboard respect to an correspondent system missing coding. Furthermore we clarify that such addition additions alongside the size of the informations to be scope, or analogously after the MTU shall be highly limited. One more paramount effect is that the encoded agreement graduated tables larger than the uncoded 1 after the figure of nodes in the distributed agreement additions. RoentgenEFERENCES [ 1 ] P. Trunfio, D. Talia, H. Papadakis, P. Fragopoulou, M. Mordacchini, M. Pennanen, K. Popov, V. Vlassov, and S. Haridi, ââ¬Å"Peer-to-Peer Resource Discovery in Grids: Models and Systems, â⬠Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 864-878, 2007. [ 2 ] V. Vijayakumar, R.S. WahidaBanu, and J.H. Abawajy, ââ¬Å"An Efficient Approach Based on Trust and Reputation for Secured Selection of Grid Resources, â⬠Intââ¬â¢l J. 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Friday, August 30, 2019
Bowlbys Attachment Theory
Introduction For the purpose of this assignment I will begin with a discussion of John Bowl byââ¬â¢s theory of attachment, this is one of the most used theories in childrenââ¬â¢s social work today. I will then discuss the origins of attachment theory, with giving an overview of what attachment theory consists of. In addition I will critically analyse this theory by incorporating other theoristââ¬â¢s views. Further I will give a brief account of how Mary Ainsworth researched attachment and her outcomes and classifications, which strengthened and widened the theory. Finally I will discuss how this theory is used within social work settings, together with influencing policy initiatives . A brief overview is given regarding the ethical approach used together with its relevance to anti discriminatory practise. Bowlby initially began his career as a child psychiatrist, which later led him to undertake training at the British Psychoanalytic Institute. These early experiences contributed positively in Bowlbyââ¬â¢s research, which then led to the origins of attachment theory. This was his first empirical study to be undertaken. He examined cases of maladjusted children in a school. Bowlby then linked the children who were committing petty crime, also suffered with affectionless emotions. He then noted that all of these children had a history of separation and maternal deprivation Bowlby then proceeded to expand his research, influenced by Konrad Lorenzââ¬â¢s (1935) paper on imprinting. In which Lorenz researched behaviour of baby geese, where he stated is a phrase sensitive learning which is implied within a ââ¬Å"_critical periodâ⬠(Lorenz 1935). _Bowlbyââ¬â¢s research was then one compromising concepts from ethologic, cybernetics and psychoanalysis methods. Thus making him believe that, humans are also born with tendencies to naturally promote attachment. The main concepts which Bowlby mainly focused on was; monotropy a tendency to attach to one particular care giver usually the mother. In addition he stated ââ¬Å"_the propensity to make strong emotional bonds to one particular individual is a basic component of human natureâ⬠(Bowlby 1988). _He also goes on to state attachment ââ¬Å"aids in survivalâ⬠. Bowlby had distinguished four categories that consisted in attachment. The proximity Maintenance: Desire to be near the people we are attached to. Safe Haven: Returning to the attachment figure for comfort and safety in the face of fear or threat Secure Base: The attachment figure acts as a base of security from which the child can explore the surrounding environment. Separation Distress: Anxiety that occurs in the absence of the attachment figure. Ambivalent Attachment: _Where the child usually become very distressed when parents leave. This type is un common, normally a result of poor maternal availability. _ After Ainsworthââ¬â¢s research, (Main, Solomon 1986) added a fourth attachment style from their own research Conclusion
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Pope Joan Essay
During the Middle Ages, the Church and the Emperor competed for control of the Holy Roman Empire. The Church and the Emperor ruled jointly over the Holy Roman Empire. Although the Church had a great deal of power, the Emperor was equally as powerful in his own way. Moreover, the powers of Church and the Emperor conflicted with each other. This led to a variety of power struggles. The novel Pope Joan by Donna Wolff Cross explores these power struggles and vividly shows how they make life more difficult for people at all levels of society. This Is very potent and recurring theme In the novel.There are many powers that collide with one another In the novel; however, the dominating powers In the Holy Roman Empire are two Institutions that oppose each other: the Roman Catholic Church and the Emperor. Both consider themselves In charge. The Church declares Itself more powerful than the Emperor, and uses Its power to preserve loyalty to the Church and Its power over the people. Pope Gregory demonstrates his power by going to the Emperor to end the feud between the Emperor and his sons. This shows that he, as the Pope, has enough power to end wars and disputes with he Emperor.Pope Gregory comments on his own power as he prays duteous, ââ¬Å"Christ Jesus, give me wisdom I need this dayâ⬠¦ Show me the way to avert this unholy war and reconcile these rebellious sons to the Emperor their father. â⬠(Cross 174) On the contrary, the Emperor arguably does not have as much power as the Pope; however, the Emperor, Lothario, believes he does. ââ¬Å"Trust in God, Count Geraldâ⬠¦ I'm Heaven's anointed king; He will not fail to grant us victory. â⬠(Cross 217) Emperor Lothario believes he is truly connected to God. Throughout the novel he feels that he should rule over doth his kingdom and the Church.The power struggle between the Pope and the Emperor leads them to try to sabotage each other and increases the misery and suffering of their people. The Emperor tri es to acquire more power by having the Pope assassinated while the Pope makes sure the Emperor's power is in check by killing the Emperors allies. An example of this is the Pope's order to kill Theodore and Leo, two of the Emperors allies. ââ¬Å"Several times they stumbled and almost fell on the tile floor, slippery with bloodâ⬠¦ The men forced Theodore and Leo to their knees and pulled their heads forward.One man raised a long sword over Oleo's neck and with one quick stroke, decapitated him. But Threshold's neck was thickâ⬠¦ It took three or four sword strokes to cleave his head from his body. â⬠(Cross 44) This shows how the Pope uses assassination to thwart the power of the Emperor. In addition, It shows how in the struggle for power, even those at the top of society are not safe. The Emperor and the Church have different ways to maintain power over their people. These methods of control cause considerable misery for the people. The Church retains its power by thre atening the people with Hell In the afterlife.It stays In power by making the people fear for their soul's eternal damnation and this causes a great deal of spiritual distress. For example, a young boy Is despondent as he confesses to Pope Leo about the Innocent blood he has shed because he fears for his Immortal soul: ââ¬Å"l cannot live with what Eve done. Pronounce me my penance ; I will bear any Emperor uses his armies and weaponry to stay in power. It is the loyalty of the Emperor's army that enables him to do this. The Emperor's troops' are so loyal to him and that they are willing and eager to kill anyone. With a wild shout, a group from he imperial vanguard burst out of formation, spurring their horses into a disorderly run, racing against one another for the glory of being the first to engage the enemy before the eyes of their Emperor. â⬠(Cross 219) The Church and Emperor also use similar methods to keep their power. For example, both punish their people for crimes i n similar ways. The Emperor has knights that manage the law and the Pope has church officials that handle the law. Both of their methods of punishment for crimes are similar and harsh.For instance, in the novel the Emperor's lords boil a Nan's hand and arm for lying about stealing farm animals. An event similar to this relates to how one of the church officials handles a thief by having his hands cut off, ââ¬Å"Benedict screamed as his severed hands dropped to the ground, spurting bloodâ⬠¦ The swordsman nailed Benedicts severed hands to the side of the she-wolf. â⬠(Cross 297) The Emperor and the Church both keep their power using similar and different methods of control which cause great pain for their people. Although the Emperor does have power, he always needs to assert it to keep the Church's power is in check.Emperor Lothario makes many bold attempts to control the Church. In one instance, when the Church does not go through with a consecration, Emperor Lothario wage s full out war on the Church. One of Pope Egregious informants comes to Serious and bellows to him, ââ¬Å"His soldiers plunder all before them, ransacking the farms, carrying off the livestock, pulling up the vines by their roots. They take what they want, and what they do not want, they burn. Those who get in their way they kill without mercy- women, old men, babes in arms- none are spared.The horror-â⬠(Cross 273) This action led by Emperor Lothario does not succeed, but it causes many people to suffer and die. Another attempt to decrease the Church's power occurs when Emperor Lothario conspires with Anastasia to make the people supporting the Church pledge their loyalty to the Emperor. ââ¬Å"An oath is only words. The people need a Pope who can lead them back to their old ways- to the Freakish Empire, and to you, my liege. â⬠(Cross 291) The last attempt that Emperor Lothario makes toward the Church is the assassination of the commander of Pope Jean's militia, Gerald: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦The men abruptly heeled, pulled weapons from the hidden folds of their garments, and came at Gerald. ââ¬Å"(Cross 402) In this attempt, the Emperor succeeds, and kills two birds with one stone. The Emperor weakens the militia by killing its gallant, cunning leader and kills the Pope by putting her under a prolonged period of stress. This causes her to have a premature birth and she dies in labor. Emperor Lothario makes many attempts to decrease the power of the Church, and is successful in the end but a considerable personal cost to many. Both the Church and the Emperor dominate the Holy RomanEmpire, but Anastasia who is able to play both sides against each other. Anastasia has ties with the Church and the Emperor. Anastasia uses both connections to his advantages, which grant him powerful positions among the two. Because Anastasia knows how politics work, he is able to wrap the Emperor around his finger and earn rewards. ââ¬Å"Once Lothario was crowned in his fathe r's place, he would know how to reward Anastasia for the work he had done here. â⬠(Cross 176) Anastasia has helped one day help make him Pope; however, Anastasia never reaches the title of Pope.Anastasia has power that that accompanies wealth and also possesses the power of persuasion and shrewdness. Anastasia with his intellect is able to earn high positions within the Church which allow him to be an informant to the Emperor. â⬠Soon after Egregious election, Anastasia would be appointed Bishop of Castellated, a perfect position from which to ascend the papal throne after Seriousâ⬠¦ â⬠(Cross 242) Anastasia also uses his father's influence to persuade his adversaries to vote him Pope. ââ¬Å"Before God the priest is lying Surely my countrymen will not believe the word of foreigner over that of a fellow Roman!Anastasia uses his adversaries to vote for him as Pope, but Joan accuses him of being corrupted. Even though Anastasia never reached Pope, he had power that helped him in the Church and with the Emperor. Anastasia is one of the people in the novel who has power and who is usually discreet about using it. Although there are many different power struggles in the novel between the Church and the Emperor, there are some people who were not able to gain their desired power. One minor character that never regained their power was Jean's father, the Canon. When he lost his position asCanon, he asked his daughter to get him a position in the Church again but he died shortly afterwards. Mimi have lost your position? â⬠[Joan inquired] Reluctantly, her father nodded. ââ¬Å"But Doe violent, I have the strength and skill to do God's work yet. â⬠(Cross 210) One person who never gains their full power over the Church was Anastasia. Anastasia never becomes Pope because Emperor Lothario dies before making him Pope. ââ¬Å"Lothario was long deadâ⬠¦ â⬠(Cross 407) Another person who never gains full power over the Holy Roman Empire was Lothario. He dies and is never able to control the Church from within with one of his adversaries. .. Having died after a few months of leaving Rome. His throne had gone to his first son Louis IIâ⬠¦ â⬠We see how these characters are unable to fulfill their destinies because of the viscous competition for power. The novel, Pope Joan, encompasses many different kinds of power struggles. The main power struggle is between the Church and the Emperor. Although both have the same religious views, they have very different views on who is in charge. Pope Joan illustrates the many different forms of power and power struggles found during the medieval era of the Holy Roman Empire.In addition, the novel shows how these power struggles affect people at all levels of society to varying degrees. Those at the top may suffer death, be disenfranchised or be discredited. Soldiers willingly charge to their deaths in blind devotion to their Emperor. Those at bottom of society may suffer d eath, disfigurement or cruelty at the hands of unsympathetic soldiers or harsh magistrates. Pope Joan shows how the conflict at the top between the Church and the Emperor permeates down through all levels of society making life during the Middle Ages more difficult for everyone.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Major Developments in the Rise of Democracy in America Essay
The Major Developments in the Rise of Democracy in America - Essay Example Another characteristic feature of this period was the American revolutionary war of 1775 to 1783. The incidences that took place during this period saw a rise in the democratic space of the Americans. Opposition to the British rule was a key pillar in the fight for democracy in America. In 1765, George Grenville, the British Prime Minister spearheaded the adoption of stamp duty where all documents were required to have a stamp and the duty paid. This incited the people to begin objecting the British rule. In order to fight for their democratic rights, a group called Sons of Liberty was formed, it used various strategies to object the taxes that were being imposed on the Americans. They used to demonstrate in the streets, became violent, as well as made several threats to the government. In addition, they aired their grievances to the monarch to have the tax laws done away with. Their voices were heard when the group opted to invade the home of Thomas Hutchinson, the chief justice as well as looting and burning records in the vice-admiralty court. This development saw a step being made towards democracy, the Declaration of Rights and Grievances was enacted. Further, there was a co nsensus that the stamp tax is repealed. However, the parliament was to remain the sovereign authority as provided in the Declaratory Act of 19661. Legislations catapulted the rise in democracy, the Americans felt that the legislation was harsh on them. The passing of a bill that saw an increment in taxes of basic commodities made the colonists to boycott British goods. In 1768, British troops were sent to Boston where they were to contain the riots that had ensued. Some individuals were killed in the process, an incidence that resulted in growing resentment of the British rule by the state of Massachusetts2. The parliament acted again by withdrawing all the imposed taxes except that of tea. The raceà to democracy was also facilitated by the efforts of Samuel Adams who created the Committee of Correspondence that provided a common forum for all the patriots in thirteen states to launch a rebellion against the colonial rule.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Career Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Career Plan - Essay Example After pursuing this professional interest, I would like to work as an accountant in a medium sized or a large organization. As my dream job, accounting has five possible job specializations and career paths that would enable me to fulfill my professional interest in finance. These career paths include audit accounting, budget analysis, financial accounting, management accounting, and tax accounting. This essay discusses the career planning methodology and the process of developing a successful professional career. 2 DISCUSSION ANALYSIS 2.1 Career Planning Methodology Making a choice on a career is a very challenging undertaking. It entails more that making up oneââ¬â¢s mind about what they want to do in life in order to earn a living. It involves selecting a profession in which one is competent in, a profession that one is interested in undertaking, and a profession that will provide one with employment opportunities and career development. As such, the career planning process has four main steps that individuals must consider to ensure that they end up following their professional interest. These steps include self-assessment, exploring and choosing career, planning the course of the career, and taking action through job application. 2.1.1 Self-assessment. ... This assessment provides an individual with a deeper understanding of self before venturing into the process of choosing careers. This is particularly significant in aiding one to choose the career that best fits their personality. 2.1.2 Exploring and choosing a career. Based on the results obtained after self-assessment, this step enables one to choose an occupation that best suits their personality and skills. In this step, one also explores different careers and the opportunities available in each of these careers to identify the ones that interest them the most. After a thorough research of the labor market, one should start eliminating the careers that do not interest them while still looking for more information on the available careers that interest them. This will eventually narrow down to a single career. This step should also take into consideration the subjects that one is studying in school to ensure that they are in line with their career of choice. 2.1.3 Planning the co urse of the career After selecting a career of choice, an individual should use this step to set out different career goals they intend to attain and the time required to attain these goals. This stage also includes the acquisition of the necessary career qualifications. In this stage, it is advisable to ask other professionals in the particular career about the required qualifications and the time required attaining these qualifications. One should also check on job advertisements and the required qualifications cross checking them with personal qualifications to determine whether one is still on the right track. Equally, it is important to check out the responsibilities of professionals in this career. This stage helps one to
Journal Entry #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Journal Entry #3 - Essay Example That is the reason why we have the law, a set of principles, duties and obligations articulated by the peoplesââ¬â¢ representatives. Because people are essentially different, not everybody agrees with the law; but for the law to work, everybody must abide by it. Yes, it is true that in this great country of ours, each person is free to abide by the dictates of his conscience; but this has a limit, and the limit is fixed by law. If people were excused from following the law because they did not believe in it, then the law would be useless, and anarchy would result. The latin maxim, Dura lex sed lex, is thus highly appropriate in this regard; it means, ââ¬Å"The law may be harsh; but it is the law.â⬠When a country is made up of people of the same race, religion, cultural background, and other such attributes, then the conflict among them would fall along personal traits. But where differences in race, religion, cultural background, and other such attributes exist, then there is added basis by which to perceive imagined injustices. The affirmative action law, however, is different in that it makes the differences in racial, cultural, or even gender attributes the basis for making a favourable decision on employment. No longer is it just to state that ââ¬Å"no distinction must be made,â⬠bit that a distinction should be made precisely on that basis, except where the distinction used to be negative because of prejudice, it is now mandated to be positive by force of law. This is where injustice is alleged. In the bigger picture, however, it appears that at least for now, we do need affirmative action. Even today, our managers in multinational corporations still harbor, sometimes unintentionally, stereotypical images of people who differ in race, creed or nationality (Egan & Benedick, 2008, p. 388). The hardwiring of centuries of cultural programming have ingrained in the privileged
Monday, August 26, 2019
Living with Physical disability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Living with Physical disability - Essay Example riences when others make them go through the ââ¬Å"rough and sometimes inadvertently hurtful process of recognizing what is wrongâ⬠with them (Hoagland, qtd. in McQuade and Atwan 138). This paper intends to discuss that physically disabled people are unable to perform their life activities in a normal way. I remember how my uncle had to go through hard time to get employment because he was handicapped. When he applied in a company for job, he did not get employment because they only employed fit persons. I still remember how much stress and depression he was in during those days since he was lagging behind in life because of something he could not help. After the government of America passed the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), he took a sigh of relief because then he could get a job on the basis of handicapped personsââ¬â¢ seat. One of the major responsibilities of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is to make accommodations for disabled employees, under the title I of the Act. ADA makes sure that the disabled employees do not have to face discrimination by their seniors or co-workers when they are at the workplace. The emphasis is on the elimination of discrimination which may arise in ââ¬Å"recruitment, hiring, promotions, training, pay, social activities, and other privileges of employmentâ⬠(U.S. Department of Justice). Till now, my uncle is getting all privileges that facilitate him in his performance at the workplace. Family support is crucial. If the members of the family will not give emotional and physical support to the disabled person, he will get socially isolated and this will add to his depression, loneliness and negativism. Family must assist him in getting all possible treatments so that he may have a chance to lead a normal life and perform his life activities in normal way. If treatment is not possible, still emotional and moral support is must. In short, physically disabled persons are the ones who are in need of our
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Riordan Virtual Organization, Concepts in Strategic Management and Essay
Riordan Virtual Organization, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy, and Competitive Advantages Paper - Essay Example The changing and advancing technology compels Riordan Company to adoptà new strategy and business policies. The corporation should adopt a good strategic plan to achieve its goals and long-term performance. The evaluation and adoption of production expertise is a result of technological advancement (Hill & Jones, 2012). The evolving world economic market calls for companies to transform and adapt to the new environment. Strategic planning is necessary in accomplishing new changes. It lays a framework for business success and objectives. Riordan Company should set its priority and values for the company to realize its mission and goals in the industry. It should improve interaction to bring unity and teamwork that is the root of success. In addition, the company should align duties and priorities that can help in decision-making (Lawrie et al., 2005). Strategic plan focuses on making proper decision for the future. To develop a successful business plan, Riordan should have a well-developed strategy for achieving them. It should focus on the formation, implementation, evaluation and control measures. When doing a strategy planning, an environmental scan is essential. Environmental scan concentrates on factors that affect the company performance externally. Riordan Company being a leading producer in plastic manufacturing is facing environmental pressure from other company in China, USA and the global world. Environmental scanning focuses on economic forces, technology drives, change in government policy and socio-cultural force (Hill & Jones, 2012). The company should train its workers to impart in them the necessary practice skills. The move will also ensure that the workers are competent and well motivated. Environmental scanning takes place in the societal surroundings and industrial atmosphere. To compete with the outside environment, Riordan should lower their prices to attract potential
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation Research Paper
Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation - Research Paper Example The crime levels involving cases of robbery, homicide, illegal drugs and other violent crimes statistically increased based on research data (Shaw, van Dijk, & Rhomberg, 2003). Anent to social injustices concerns are problems too on sex trade, (inclusive on problems on prostitution and pornography where the flesh trade considered consenting adults as ââ¬Ëvictimless crimesââ¬â¢ that are subject of ââ¬Ëmoral panicsââ¬â¢) and of white collar crimes that ranges from forgery, corruption, identity theft using electronic devices, and money laundering. Itââ¬â¢s unfortunate that white collar criminals, when caught, are not served with penal sentences but are only required to pay for the damages done to victims. Aside from the preceding prominent crimes, the United States is also confronted with crimes that have magnitude effects to civilian communities and to the state. Terrorism along with so called white collar crimes are also considered to be criminal offences, though sociol ogists consider the aforementioned to be ââ¬Ëpolitical crimesââ¬â¢ (Mueller, 2013). ... group, use of radiological threat, falsification of documents and other entailing effects that could victimize large number of civilian populace (National Counterterrorism Center, 2013). The Federal Bureau of Investigation likewise stated in its reports based on collated information from law enforcement agencies that there is an increase of 1.9 % of violent crimes in the last six months in 2012 (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2013). These violent crime cover murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. With regards to the property crimes, there is an increased of 1.5 percent in 2012 compared to the reported statistics in 2011 that include burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2013). Bank crimes statistics also showed that in 2011 alone, there are 5,014 robberies, 60 burglaries, and 12 larcenies which looted about $ 38.3 million dollars of cash and other valuable properties (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2013). Only 20% of t hese cases are recovered or solved by law enforcement authorities (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2013). According to statistical records, there are 6,088 persons involved in varied bank crime cases but only 3,263 persons are identified, of which 1,229 of 37% are involved in narcotics and 583 persons or 18% are recidivists of robbery, bank burglary and bank larceny cases (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2013). Aside from the increase of statistics on crimes, the advancement of information technology also made it easier for the commission of crimes since most of the transactions are done online and the criminalsââ¬â¢ coordination or communication hasten their networking or their plans of carrying out their criminal designs (U.S. Department of Justice, 2013). Crimes can be undertaken by
Friday, August 23, 2019
Biometrics use in government and corporations Research Paper
Biometrics use in government and corporations - Research Paper Example There are various biometric technologies available and though this paper will look into each of them, the major focus would be on fingerprint and iris biometrics. Fingerprint biometrics has remained popular not only among governments but also in corporate institutions. There would be various advantages as to support this popularity, but Cole (2005) noted that this technology has a false positive rate of between 0.08% and 4.4%. As compared to its counterpart, Cole (2005) further appreciates the accuracy that organizations could enjoy if the recent iris biometrics technology would be used instead. This system has a false acceptance rate at 1 per 1.2 million of two matching irises. This paper seeks to address security agencies from both the government and corporate organizations on concerns on errors in fingerprint biometrics with illustration using relevant examples. In spite of these drawbacks, application of biometrics by governments and corporations enhance border security and data protection. Introduction Biometrics pertains to unique methods of recognizing human beings on the basis of intrinsic behavioral or physical traits. According to Acharya and Kasprzycki (2010), it is the semi-automated or automated use of behavioral or physiological traits to verify or determine identity. Its application in computer science ensures access control and identity access management. Its application has however been extended to persons under surveillance. Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001, the governments worldwide turned to biometrics capability to increase airport security and border crossings and for production of identity documents that are more secure. Similarly, biometrics has received tremendous demand for employment or testing in commercial applications. Human beings possess various chemical, physiological and behavioral aspects that would be important in biometric authentication. The choice of which aspect to use would be guided by several factors. Liu notes that the chosen aspect sh ould be universal such that all subjects possess it (2011). The trait should be unique for each member of the population for differentiation. Permanence would show how a trait varies with time with a desirable permanence being that with reasonable invariance over time with regard to a specific matching algorithm. The trait should be easy to collect, extract and process. Performance would indicate how robust, fast and accurate a system is while acceptability would indicate how people would accept their biometric trait not only to be captured but also assessed. Finally, the trait should also not be easily circumvented. It is with this in mind that various biometrics have been developed with time in an attempt to have one that would effectively encompass all these traits. Operation of biometrics Any biometric system operates in two modes, namely; verification and identification (Cole, 2005). Verification mode allows for comparison of the captured biometric with a specified pre-existing template saved in a biometric database so as to confirm the personââ¬â¢s claim of identity. It would involve use of ID number, username or smart card to indicate the template to be used in comparison. With identification, the system would be prompted to compare against a whole biometric database
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Enlightenment thinking Essay Example for Free
Enlightenment thinking Essay The Declaration of Independence is the basis of our government here in the United States. When the authors of this document were writing it they included many references to enlightenment theories. Of these many theories three within the document can be attributed to John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Thomas Hobbes. John Locke was a believer in the three natural rights of man, life, liberty, and property. In the Declaration of Independence Lockes idea can be found throughout but one example is, It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government laying its foundation of such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. This quote is exactly along the lines of Lockes thinking. He believed that a government is there to serve and protect, and if the government does not do its duty, then the people have a right to overthrow a government and start a new one. Rousseau believed that all men were free and ought to be, therefore any government must act according to the will of the people. The Declaration of Independence includes this too, A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. This quote reflects Rousseaus ideas exactly. That man is in chains by the government a must be free. Finally, Thomas Hobbes was a believer in the social contract stating that to gain rights people had to give up rights. One right which people were supposed to gain was protection by the government. This idea can be found within the Declaration of Independence, He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us. The Declaration of Independence contains many different enlightenment ideas. These ideas had a great impact on the founding of the United States and still do today.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Global Economic Crisis Essay Example for Free
The Global Economic Crisis Essay The current global financial has spawned a renewed interest among economists and policymakers to identify its causes and to come up with possible solutions. There were a number of financial crises that have taken place in the 20th century, a considerable number of which elicited panic that the whole economy was at the verge of collapse (Karabell). Countries previously affected by economic crises seem to be rebounding, with improvements in credit ratings and returns of foreign capital. Despite the lessons learned from the past crises, it is inevitable for history to repeat itself. Moreover, not even the worldââ¬â¢s strongest economy is immune from this terrible fate. The meltdown in the US mortgage industry started the series of unfortunate events that led to the massive economic crisis. The perception that real estate prices would rise encouraged financial institutions to loosen their standards to borrowers (Shiller 29). However, this economic slowdown was not contained in the mortgage industry. Months after the initial signs of such slowdown, bigger financial institutions have been hit of what has become a global financial crisis. It was like dominoes falling one right after another: The demise of Lehman Brothers tipped to the rush sale of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America, followed by the federal takeover of AIG (Duffy). Now that the U. S. government has granted a $7-billion bailout, the U. S. financial market shows promising potentials of recovery. Yet, none can be of infallible certainty as to its sustainability (Sahadi). It is impossible to account at this early point of time the effectiveness of the bailout. What is possible is to recognize what is happening and to take basic steps in the restructuring of the institutional foundations of the financial economy. These include taking short-run remedies to put a halt at least to the continuing detriments of the crisis and to employ long-term changes that would reduce, if not totally eradicate, the risk of another global financial crisis. Works Cited Duffy, Michael. ââ¬Å"After the Financial Crisis, a Cleanup That Changes Everything. â⬠Time Magazine. 22 September 2008. 28 October 2008 http://www. time. com/time/business/article/ 0,8599,1843213,00.html. . Karabell, Zachary. ââ¬Å"In A Few Fateful Days. â⬠Newsweek. 18 October 2008. 28 October 2008 http://www. newsweek. com/id/164593. Sahadi, Jeanne. ââ¬Å"Bailout is law: President Bush signs historic $700 billion plan aimed at stemming credit crisis. â⬠CNNMoney. 4 October 2008. 28 October 2008 http://money. cnn. com/2008/10/03/news/economy/house_friday_bailout/index. htm? postversion=2008100309 Shiller, Robert J. The Subprime Solution: How Todays Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do about It. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2008.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Electronic Learning English Language Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Electronic Learning English Language Essay Electronic-learning is a state-of-the-art technology of education that implies self-motivation ,communication , efficiency, and technology. Because there is limited social interaction, students must keep themselves motivated . E-learning is effective as it eliminates distances and subsequent commutes. Distance is eliminated because the e-learning content is designed with media that can be accessed from properly equipped computers, and other means of internet accessible technology. E-learning has its own advantages and disadvantages . However ,the most important advantages lay in the reduction of time , efforts and cost, adding too which the capability of the computer in improving the general level of studying achievement and in helping the teacher and the student in providing an attractive educational environment which doesnt depend on place or time. Furthermore, we can talk about the following advantages of E-learning with the increasing of communication between the student and themselves and between the student and the school a fast and easy way is needed to bring everybody together. So from the midst of confusion came e-learning to make their lives easy . throughout different directions such as discussing forums, e-mail, and chat rooms. Moreover , researchers think that these things increase and motivate students to participate and react with the subjects in question. there is also the matter of sharing points of views. So the discussing forums and chat rooms provide opportunities to exchange and share the point of views in respect of the subjects in question, the matter which increases the opportunities of making use of the opinions and suggestions of the others, which ,in turn, will help in making a strong background at the learner through what he /she got of knowledge and skills from the chat rooms. Another advantage of e-learning as that it makes all students feel equal. Since the communication tools give each student the opportunity to express his own opinion at any time without being embarrassed , in contrary to the traditional teaching halls which dont have such a feature due to the bad distribution of the tables or because of shyness or other reasons. However, this type of learning gives the complete opportunity to the student to express themselves clearly and directly without any problems of whatever kind. This feature, therefore, might be more useful for the students who feel fear or uneasiness as this method makes students enjoy more encouragement in expressing their ideas and to search for facts in a way more effective than what they can do in the traditional teaching halls. Studies proved that discussing through the internet greatly helps and motivates students for confrontation. E-learning provides teachers with great facilities that are access able out of working hours, that is because the learner can send his/her inquiries to the teacher through the e-mail at any time, yet this feature is more useful and suitable for the teacher instead of being restricted at his desk. In addition, it could be useful for those whose working hours are in contrary with the teachers timetable or when there is an inquiry that can not be adjourned. Different students learn in different ways. One teacher may use a certain way of teaching so E-learning provides different types of teaching. It is possible to get the information in the way that suits the student, whereas some of students prefer the visible method, others prefer the audible or readable method, while others prefer the practical one. However, E-learning and its resources give the possibility of applying resources in different and several methods as the learner may prefer . The E-learning enables the learner to concentrate on the important ideas when writing or collecting the lecture or the lesson. As well as it enables the students who suffer the difficulty of concentration and tasks organizing to make use of the material because it will be organized and arranged easily and its important elements are clearly outlined. The curriculum is also available all day long and all days of the week(24 hours per day and 7 days per week) . this feature is good for the moody persons or for those who prefer to get the information in a specific time, as some of them prefer to study in the morning and the others prefer to study in the evening, also for those who have personal commitments and responsibilities where this feature allows all of them to study at thje time that suits them. By E-learning the attendance is not necessary. The student, in traditional teaching , shall adhere to a timetable that binds all those who are involved in the group work. Now , it is not necessary to do the same as the new technology provided the communication methods without the need to be available in a specific place or time. The new technology provides teachers with several methods of evaluating the progress of students. The teacher has got different direct evaluation methods that enable them to build distribute and sort the information to be evaluated quickly and easily. Especially that time is an essential element for both teacher and learner. So, the student has the ability to get the required information at the time and he place he wants without the need to go from home to the classroom or to the library or to the teachers office the matter which saves time. At the same time, the teacher can save his time as he can send the information to his students through different communication methods. It also reduce the administrative burdens of the teacher. the E-learning reduces the administrative burdens of the teacher which need a lot of time as it became possible to send and receive all these administrative things through the electronic tools with the possibility to know whether the student received these things or not. The other importance of E-learning that it reduces the size of work at school. With the E-learning the work will be less than usual thanks for modern technologies. The most important drawback of E-learning is that there is an absence of the model or the effect of the teacher in this type of teaching. Another disadvantage is that this type of teaching can not discover the talents and capacities of the learners. Teacher -student communication is important and can be more effective face to face but through this type of teaching its quite hard. Also E-learning doesnt develop the verbal or phonetic capability of the learners. This method can only be effective if the learner is sitting at the device so the learners may get tired of sitting to the devices. Through this device the learner is using a motion less mechanism and the absence of the human side in the teaching process as it is absent in the machine. An addition disadvantage of E-learning is that it weakens the social relations at the learners side. Also it can effect the health of the learner. This type of teaching need a huge amount of money particularly at the beginning as it needs modern and developed tools and devices.
Frankenstein Essays -- Literary Analysis,ÃÂ Mary Shelley
ââ¬Å"I am alone and miserable: man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to meâ⬠(Shelley 127). A monster with bad intentions generates a bad reputation in society. However, does a monster whose sole purpose is to achieve and excel treated wrongly because of the way he looks? According to John Buggââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Master of their language: Education and Exileâ⬠The creatureââ¬â¢s narrative of education unfolds from a personal realization of alterity. Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s Frankenstein portrays the creatureââ¬â¢s motivation to broaden his education in order to be accepted by society. Despite the creatureââ¬â¢s good intentions to broaden his education, his physical appearance disallows him to obtain an education, and therefore the only residual is to seek revenge on his creator. Naturally the creature believes that if he is well educated, people will look beyond his hideous appearance and accept him. Through the inspiration the De Laceys give, ââ¬Å" The creature comes to view the De Laceys as superior beings, who would be the arbiters of [his] future destinyâ⬠(Shelley 90). Consequently the creature comes to the realization that the De Laceys are the only people who might be able to broaden his education. Hence he plans on visiting the old blind man because he will not be able to judge the creature by his appearance. In The creature will confront the old man when the rest of the De Laceys are out so he can create a friendship. The creature contemplates his future and he is ââ¬Å"Longing to be accepted into the world he sees and romances through the crack in the De Laceys wall, the creature believes that literacy is the keyâ⬠(Bugg 661). The creature knows that no one will be able to look past his appearance if heââ¬â¢s not e... ...nsible for what the creature has become. The creature responds,ââ¬Å" You can blast my other passions, but revenge remains-revenge, henceforth dearer than light of food! I may die, but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your miseryâ⬠(Shelley 154). Victor has taken everything away from the creature, but the creature will always have the mindset on revenge for Victor. The creature will not rest until Victor feels the same misery he felt. This is the final stage of the creatureââ¬â¢s life where he ignores his surroundings and takes matters into his own hand. The creatureââ¬â¢s failure to blend in with society creates hatred in the creatureââ¬â¢s heart for his creator. The only option for the creature is to seek revenge. This shows that the creatureââ¬â¢s determination of destroying his creator was far greater than the creatures determination to fit in. Frankenstein Essays -- Literary Analysis,à Mary Shelley ââ¬Å"I am alone and miserable: man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself would not deny herself to meâ⬠(Shelley 127). A monster with bad intentions generates a bad reputation in society. However, does a monster whose sole purpose is to achieve and excel treated wrongly because of the way he looks? According to John Buggââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Master of their language: Education and Exileâ⬠The creatureââ¬â¢s narrative of education unfolds from a personal realization of alterity. Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s Frankenstein portrays the creatureââ¬â¢s motivation to broaden his education in order to be accepted by society. Despite the creatureââ¬â¢s good intentions to broaden his education, his physical appearance disallows him to obtain an education, and therefore the only residual is to seek revenge on his creator. Naturally the creature believes that if he is well educated, people will look beyond his hideous appearance and accept him. Through the inspiration the De Laceys give, ââ¬Å" The creature comes to view the De Laceys as superior beings, who would be the arbiters of [his] future destinyâ⬠(Shelley 90). Consequently the creature comes to the realization that the De Laceys are the only people who might be able to broaden his education. Hence he plans on visiting the old blind man because he will not be able to judge the creature by his appearance. In The creature will confront the old man when the rest of the De Laceys are out so he can create a friendship. The creature contemplates his future and he is ââ¬Å"Longing to be accepted into the world he sees and romances through the crack in the De Laceys wall, the creature believes that literacy is the keyâ⬠(Bugg 661). The creature knows that no one will be able to look past his appearance if heââ¬â¢s not e... ...nsible for what the creature has become. The creature responds,ââ¬Å" You can blast my other passions, but revenge remains-revenge, henceforth dearer than light of food! I may die, but first you, my tyrant and tormentor, shall curse the sun that gazes on your miseryâ⬠(Shelley 154). Victor has taken everything away from the creature, but the creature will always have the mindset on revenge for Victor. The creature will not rest until Victor feels the same misery he felt. This is the final stage of the creatureââ¬â¢s life where he ignores his surroundings and takes matters into his own hand. The creatureââ¬â¢s failure to blend in with society creates hatred in the creatureââ¬â¢s heart for his creator. The only option for the creature is to seek revenge. This shows that the creatureââ¬â¢s determination of destroying his creator was far greater than the creatures determination to fit in.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Feminist Theology :: essays research papers
3Write what you know, the pundits say, and I agree, we are conditioned to take the road less traveled by with only the different drummer to keep us company. As a student, I often find myself stumbling around in the theological woods, feeling lost, losing hope and ending up with mud everywhere, but especially on my face. However, the journey, while it lasts, is more interesting than the interstate highway of common knowledge; it certainly has a way of keeping complacency at bay. For me, that seed has often been something theological. I also often find myself playing the ââ¬Ëdevils advocateââ¬â¢ asking, ââ¬Å"What does God look like to those who belong to the rigid social order of the orthodox church, look like in the twentieth-first century?â⬠When modern feminist theologians look at the text of the scriptures, they are quick to point out neglected aspects of the Word and are quick to challenge the "patriarchal" worldviews and assumptions that many consider to b e biblical, but may indeed only be cultural. Evangelical feminists who uphold the integrity of the biblical text as the Word of God have done much to cause the Church to reexamine its views on the role of women in the Church. The challenge has come not from social movements but from the biblical texts themselves. It is essential that we as students look beyond the hermeneutical value, to that which is ingrained in the text not because of truth but rather because of tradition. Professor Trible's research on Adam and Eve notes that the Fall created an inequality in the family relationship that had not existed before. And if Christ has become a cure for us (Galatians 3:13), that curse of inequality is undone in Him as well as in the text in which she refers our attention. Feminist theologians have also recovered the neglected feminine references to God in scripture (noting: the word for Spirit, Ruach, in Hebrew, is feminine) and pointed out the roles of women in the Bible as deacons, co-laborers with Paul in ministry, judges of the nation (Deborah), and possibly even apostles (Junia of Romans 16:7). There are, of course, other things going on in Professor Tribleââ¬â¢s writing, but the subtext of theologic al issues gives each story its texture as the abstract ideas intertwine with the actual plot. If I write about nomadic Arabs in 1919 Palestine and describe the tents and daily tea ritual, how can I fail to bring in the Qur'an?
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton :: Cry, The Beloved Country Essays
Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton As an advocate for the natives, the death of Arthur Jarvis is a blow to the South African community. Although dead, Arthur Jarvis has a significant influence in the book Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton. Arthur Jarvis is a white man who believes in equality between the white men and the native men. Before dying Arthur Jarvis was a president for the Africans Boys Club and involved in many other such organizations. (He wholeheartedly believed that all men were created equal, a belief reinforced bye the wall of books on Abraham Lincoln. Jarvisââ¬â¢ passion to read all about Abraham Lincoln, who firmly believed that all men were created equal, reinforces.) Jarvis is placed in the story to symbolize the fight for equality that occurs in South Africa. With the rise of native crime in South Africa, Arthur Jarvis begins to write a book. In the book Jarvis states that the reason for native crime stems from the fact that the white man oppresses the black. The white man leaves the black uneducated, yet expects him to be civilized. When the natives commit crimes, it shocks the white man, yet the white man does nothing to better the situation. This, states Jarvis, is unacceptable. For as long as the white man does this, there will be native crime in South Africa. Yet the most significant thing that results from Arthurââ¬â¢s death is the effect it has on his father James Jarvis. James Jarvis is a white farmer who lives near Ndotsheni and notices the poverty, yet does nothing. Nothing, that is, until his son dies. The death of Arthur cases James to rethink some of his beliefs, and in the end results in his helping out the natives of Ndotsheni. For example, when one of the children I the valley falls sick and needs milk to survive, Jarvis sends milk for the child.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Case study of a person with alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease
The word old brings to most people in our society an image of homeless, helpless, forlorn derelicts inhabiting park benches, slum hotels, nursing homes and other institutional ghettos. The elderly and aging population is poised to be the center of attention in the coming years since the Baby Boom generation will be retiring. Consequently, these retired individuals shall be experiencing the different problems that come with the concept of aging and that is their quality of life is disturbed as they are hampered by chronic illnesses or chronic physical pain, depression or simply just the inability to perform several activities of daily living.(Understanding Aging as a Social Process 2005). These particular tasks must be performed well by an individual or else he or she may be classified as disabled. And this disability is the one issue that every aging person in America faces. According to Erik Erikson, each of us passes thru eight psycho-social stages in our life where we are all face d with a crisis. The last two stages in a manââ¬â¢s life, middle adulthood and the aging years will be carefully discussed in this reaction paper, and the life of real-life models will be revealed to verify if Eriksonââ¬â¢s theories are right.The elderly face the crisis of ââ¬Å"integrity versus despair. â⬠This paper is based on an actual interview with an 88-year old male who is showing early signs of the Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease. This paper looks into the plight of the elderly population and presents the different ways they are presently treated and are seen as a kind of abuse of this sector of the population. It also hopes to start a momentum and take a conscious effort for those who are able to act for these individuals and represent them and their varying plights for a better quality of life.The Case of Paul, male, 88 years old with Alzheimerââ¬â¢s Disease Paul, who now is 88 years old, has resentments about his accomplishments. He did not finish any degree an d just marries with 6 sons and daughters who are also unfulfilled like him. He has grand daughters and grand sons who live in the same neighborhood with him. He still has unfulfilled dreams and desires because of stagnation during his younger days. He would always say: ââ¬Å"Life has been hard, thatââ¬â¢s why.â⬠By nature, the old man is a jolly and funny person but behind his words, you can feel a trace of sadness and frustration on how life had been hard on him. Instead of dreaming more, he would prefer to look up to younger folks who have been successful so far with their life. He would prefer telling stories about other people, cracking jokes about his friends, unable to talk much about his own accomplishments because inside him, he feels he has not achieved much in life. Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease is manifesting in Paul now. He fumbles with his hands and is quite mentally incapable of being consistently coherent.Constantly needing assurance, I help him to understand ho w his clothes look good on him and he beams radiantly at the compliment, eyes and face crinkling. He is forgetful now, peering into my face and asking who I am even if I am his niece. He appreciates how I talk to him so kindly. I focus on what he needs in the process, how the he seems to be coping with his life, what sort of help he is seeking, what sort of help he may need, and my ability to participate in the helping process with him, given his needs. During the time I spend with him, I managed quite well in relating with him verbally most of the time.He had lucid moments at times but was quite conversant during other times that kept me on my feet in terms of history and other interesting topics that would often crop up during our conversation. Talking with him involved an interactive process based on certain fundamental principles in counseling and communication. The interactive process with the elderly can be based on a generic model of helping such that of Egan (1975). His mode l for counseling and communications includes three stages wherein the person is expected to begin with self-exploration, move to deeper levels of self-understanding and finally to develop a plan of action.While engaging him in an active verbal conversation, he describes his past life. He forgets the name of his eldest child but that is all right. I help him differentiate conditions of the past from conditions of the present so that a clearer understanding of attitudes and behaviors emerge. I was able to build the trust needed in this kind of session, and at the same time help the client focus on concrete concerns about which he personally must make. Then, I use that trust that has been built to get involved more potently in helping him understand himself.I now respond not just to what he says but also to what he implies. Mental and Emotional Condition The mental and emotional condition of old people is a major issue in designing for the welfare of the elderly. Often, aging is associ ated with increased depression, loneliness and lower self-esteem as old people begin to be unable to do the usual activities they do while they were still young and strong. The need to move out of oneââ¬â¢s home also adds to the emotional issues that the senior may be facing.It becomes apparent that facilities and environments created specifically for the elderly should promote mental and emotional well-being, aside from addressing the general health and medical needs of these people. Developmental Theories According to Erik Erikson, each of us passes thru eight psycho-social stages in our life where we are all faced with a crisis. The last two stages in a manââ¬â¢s life, middle adulthood and the aging years will be carefully discussed in this reaction paper, and the life of real-life models will be revealed to verify if Eriksonââ¬â¢s theories are right.The aging years of any person are a time when he or she either feels fulfilled and satisfied, or becomes in despair: this is the age of 65 and above. Usually, those who have fulfilled their social roles satisfactorily in middle-adulthood are those who become happy and active until their last days on earth. Those who have failed with their dreams and social roles are the ones who have poor health and illnesses in their old age. During this time, an individual asks himself if he has lived well.If he looks back with regret, it is an indication that his failures overpower his achievements. Meanwhile, Peck (1968) modified Eriksonââ¬â¢s last stage, ego integrity, which he elaborated into two broad periods: middle age and old age. Peck subdivided each of these periods again into stages and said that these stages may occur in a different time sequence for different individuals and thus do not imply sequentiality. The theme of transcendence iterated by Peck appears in the thinking of several other life span developmental theorists.For example, Erikson (1950, 268) says of the individual in Stage 8: ââ¬Å"He knows that an individual life is the accidental coincidence of but one life-cycle with but one segment of history. Peckââ¬â¢s ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation puts it as this, ââ¬ËThe constructive way of living the late years might be defined in this way: To live so generously and unselfishly that the prospect of personal deathââ¬âthe night of the ego, it might be calledââ¬âlooks and feels less important than the secure knowledge that one has built for a broader, longer future than any one ego ever could encompass.â⬠Nuances of the Alzheimerââ¬â¢s Disease The Alzheimerââ¬â¢s Disease Fact Sheet of the National Institute on Aging explains in detail the Alzheimerââ¬â¢s Disease. It is under the Alzheimerââ¬â¢s Disease Education and Referral Center and defines first the word as a brain disorder that seriously makes a person unable to carry on with his activities. It then clarifies that the most common form of dementia among the elderly is Alzheime rââ¬â¢s disease (AD). This is a disease that involves particular portions of the brain that controls thought, memory and language.To date, this disease is still incurable and most experts are at a loss as to what causes it. Basically, this site contain valuable information about the disease including contact persons and their telephone numbers and locations so that one can easily consult with those who are equip to handle and give advice. Clarifying further, this disease begins after age 60, increasing with age. Discovered by Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German doctor who observed that there were changes in the tissues of an old woman who died of an unusual mental illness.Upon closer inspection, it revealed clumps called amyloid plaques and bundles of fibers called a neurofibrillary tangle that is a sure sign of AD. (Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease Fact Sheet. National Institute on Aging). The NIH Senior Health website provides links to the disease, its causes and risk factors, symptoms and diagnosis, treatments and a site on Frequently Asked Questions. The elderly and aging population in the United States is increasing ever more and such ill-effects of old age occur more often such as injuries, disabilities, emotional pain and worst-case scenario, suicide.Without any participatory work done by the ones who are able-bodied, the elderly of America might not be as safe and as well-taken care of as they should be. Bottom line is that the quality of life of elderly people should not be compromised just because they have already finished their foremost contribution to society through hard labor. With one click, one is led to make more discoveries in the process. (NIH Senior Health). There are newer ways of spotting early symptoms of the disease from McCoyââ¬â¢s (2006) research.When water molecules move throughout the brain when it is damaged, then this processes of cellular damage can cause an increase in the ââ¬Å"apparent diffusion coefficientâ⬠which measures t he amount of water in the brain. (McCoy, 2006). Friedland (2004) stated that estimates show that there will be more aging individuals requiring long-term care than people, whether family members or hired caregivers, who will take care of the senior citizens.He added that ââ¬Å"family caregivers need all the help they can get to provide care, including purchasing modifications to the home, purchasing labor-enhancing and labor-saving technologies, and figuring out how best to integrate caregivers into their homesâ⬠(Friedland, 2004, 2). The issue of the effectiveness of the healthcare and housing systems for those with Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease is also important to consider. According to Lawler (2001), the current challenge is in the integration of the housing with the health care strategies for the elderly.She added that ââ¬Å"most of the current inefficiencies in the delivery of aging services occur during the provision of both overcare, providing more housing or health care than required, and undercare, when inadequate service provision compounds problems and increases expenseâ⬠(p. 1). To address the health needs of the aging population, the American Dietetic Association [ADA] (2000) promoted the provision of ââ¬Å"a broad array of culturally appropriate food and nutrition services, physical activities, and health and supportive care customized to accommodate the variations within this expanding population of older adultsâ⬠(p.580). The association also asserted that ââ¬Å"medical and supportive services, including culturally sensitive food and nutrition services that are appropriate to levels of independence, diseases, conditions, and functional ability, are key components of the continuum of care (p. 580). Conclusion The right kind of assessment is the cornerstone of treatment and care for those individuals afflicted with Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease. Because assessment is so critical, clinicians must be certain that the models or princip les that guide the data collection and analysis lead to the richest possible view, of the client as a person.A person with Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease who comes to treatment with a history of successes and failures, traumas and satisfying experiences; a person with a culture that influences values, beliefs, and norms; a person with psychological archives that have shaped the individual's personality and patterned his or her interactions; a person who lives in an environment that imposes conditions on the quality of life; a person with an enduring drive to bring order to the world, to reduce the anxiety that accompanies psychological unrest, and to experience competence in valued activities.These dimensions of a person's life, singularly and in interaction with each other, constitute the ââ¬Å"baggageâ⬠of the client that must be considered in the assessment process. The attempt to deal with a client's difficulties without taking stock of this larger context will probably result in ineffective treatment strategies because the clinician's understanding of the client's problems will be incomplete and the treatment plan will lack relevance.Indeed, the aging years of any person are a time when he or she either feels fulfilled and satisfied, or becomes in despair: this is the age of 65 and above. Usually, those who have fulfilled their social roles satisfactorily in middle-adulthood are those who become happy and active until their last days on earth. Those who have failed with their dreams and social roles are the ones who have poor health and illnesses in their old age. During this time, an individual asks himself if he has lived well. If he looks back with regret, it is an indication that his failures overpower his achievements.Elder care is significant since people over the age of 65 are usually prone to, and may be suffering from diseases, sometimes multiple diseases, and they would need to be accorded assistance somehow, although the assistance is in vary ing degrees. Frailty, diseases and disability are often correlated with old age. REFERENCES Alzheimerââ¬â¢s disease. NIH Senior Health. Retrieved Nov. 7, 2006 at: http://nihseniorhealth. gov/alzheimersdisease/toc. html Erikson, E. (1950). Childhood and society. New York. Norton. Friedland, R. B.Caregivers and long-term care needs in the 21st century: will public policy meet the challenge? Georgetown University Long-Term Care Financing Project. McCoy, K. (2006). New Technique Might Help Diagnose Alzheimerââ¬â¢s Disease. Retrieved Nov. 7, 2006 at: http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_39170. html Peck, R. (1968). Psychological developments in the second half of life. In B. L. Neugarten (Ed. ) Middle age and aging. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Understanding Aging as a Social Process. (2005) Retrieved Nov. 7, 2006 at: http://www. roxbury. net/esgch1. pdf
Friday, August 16, 2019
Imperialism Debate Essay
The dominance came every now and then by force of arms, but frequently It occurred because of trade and businesses. At this point, It allowed Imperial powers to the influence the selected civilization. While the Imperials ruled, they usually ââ¬Ërobbed' the land of Its resources with little payback. These schemes obviously allowed for the imperial powers to gain a large profit and gain dominance. Imperialism was an effective and successful way for civilized countries to gain control over an indigenous countries. So, America should not become an imperial power.Core Democratic Value: Liberty Liberty is the one of the core values of American Constitutional Democracy. But this Liberty should include personal, political, economic freedom of not only American but also all nations. Imperialism based on ideas of superiority and nationalism robbed liberty of the subject country and their human rights In order to gain political, economic, and military benefits. For example, by the late sass , Americans wanted to annex Hall because of Its abundant natural resources and cultivatable lands.America, therefore, began a program of Imperialism In Hawaii and forced political and economic change. Queen Alkalinity wanted to end America's influence over Hawaii and created a new constitution. However, the United States denied it, soon took over the government office at Hawaii, and established complete control over Hawaii. American imperialism robbed economic and political freedom of Hawaii. Data: ââ¬ËIf a strong people try to govern a weak one against its will, the home government will get despotic, too.You cannot maintain despotism in Asia and a republic In America. If you try to deprive even a savage or a barbarian of his Just rights you can never do It without becoming a savage or a barbarian yourself. ââ¬Ë ? Senator George F. Hoar under the pretext of spreading democracy and a Western value system, America's military intervene causes our endless warfare and the sacrifice of young military people. Ongoing Afghanistan civil war could be a good example. Prior Knowledge: Japanese imperialism robbed the liberty of Koreans. From 1910 to 1945, Japan occupied Korea.They forced the Koreans into Japanese culture under the pretext of civilizing the Koreans. Japanese language was taught In schools, and Japanese also forced the Koreans to change of their name in Japanese. Japan tried to destroy all records of histories of Korea and force the people with the conditionals pride to convert to Japanese ways of thinking. Hundreds of thousands of laborers were forced to work In Japanese factories and conscripted Into the armed forces, women were forced into ââ¬Å"comfort stationsâ⬠which is military brothels. While military power.As a result, imperialism deprived Koreans human rights, destroyed cultural factors, caused economic exhaustion, and lost natural resources. Counter Argument: Colonial officials, doctors, and missionaries strongly believed that all race s could be improved and uplifted by introducing Christianity, and they lived that it's their duty to conquer other nations to spread the religion, but it is opposed to the concept of individual freedom and freedom of religion. The dominating country thinks that their beliefs and laws are superior to the subjected nation.In fact, Imperialism civilizes and modernizes the underdeveloped country for the dominating country to gain economic benefits. If the dominate country uses the nationalistic or cultural factors to take control, there is a chance where the customs and the way of living of the domains will be lost. Conclusion: An average imperialist believed that imperial expansion was necessary for the arrival of their countries. Countries exercise great authority over large and varied territories populated by diversity of ethnic groups, cultures, and religions.Countries which exercise imperial power use a broad range of tools and incentives to maintain the dominance: political persua sive, economic advantages and cultural influences where possible, sometimes using force. But imperialism based on ideas of superiority and nationalism robbed liberty of the subject country and their human rights in order to gain political, economic, and military benefits. The reasons mentioned above are why America should not become imperial power.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Why Move to Austin, Texas
Why move to Austin, Texas? Goodbye high school, and welcome to the real world. You may have been spending a couple of years wondering what youââ¬â¢re going to do after high school. Were you going to go to college, or take a year off and work? We all know how teenagers think, their ready to move out and be on their own, do things that they want to do. Well why not try that somewhere else, New York? California? Why not Austin, Texas? Young adults around the ages 18 and 21 should move to Austin, live life on their own, and experience a place they have never seen before.Austin isnââ¬â¢t like any other place; these austiniteââ¬â¢s do things their own unique way. Living on your own, and moving to a place youââ¬â¢ve never been before, is probably the hardest thing. You have to worry about getting a job, a place to live, school if thatââ¬â¢s what youââ¬â¢re choosing to go there for, and meeting new people. Well I can tell you that Austin has all of that. Yes the saying â⠬Å"Keep Austin Weirdâ⬠might have you wondering, but trust me austinites know how to have a good time. The best fit for this age group on finding a place to live would be an apartment. Austin apartments are unique, and have different styles for different people.For the young I believe downtown apartments are more home fitting, walking distance to places, and you get to know Austin more. But if youââ¬â¢re not into the city living, Austin does have some great apartments outside the city. You will still be close to the city, but also see more of Austin besides downtown. All of Austinââ¬â¢s apartments are very reasonable; I believe they are way cheaper then any other state. Compared to a $3,000 apartment in California, apartments in Austin will the battle. With finding places to live you have to have money to pay for it. The next best thing is finding the perfect job.Some people may say Austin is the worst place to find a job, but it really isnââ¬â¢t. At this age youââ¬â ¢re not yet titled to have that office job, or be a business person just yet. So a small simple job will work, I know young adults donââ¬â¢t want to work at a fast food restaurant, so I can help give you ideas of jobs in better places. If youââ¬â¢re choosing to live downtown, there are a lot of stores and restaurants on what Austin calls ââ¬Å"The Drag. â⬠There is the University Co-op, where all the austinites get their Texas Longhorn gear. Tylerââ¬â¢s is also a famous place in Austin.But if youââ¬â¢re looking for work outside the city, there are always basic stores like Best Buy, Whole Foods, stores in the mall etc. If youââ¬â¢re trying to get the Austin vibe, I recommend working down at the drag, you get to see all the ââ¬Å"weird Austin people,â⬠and each day you could learn something knew from someone in Austin. ââ¬Å"If you're ever in Austin and want to see something pretty cool, check out the side of Sound Exchange on the corner of Guadalupe (â⠬Å"the Dragâ⬠) and 21th street. There's a picture of the frog of innocence (ââ¬Å"Hi, how are you? ââ¬Å") and a flying eyeball. â⬠(Johnston. P1) That is one thing Austin is known for.Austin has a unique way of introducing its self to people around the world. Just like the ââ¬Å"Keep Austin Weirdâ⬠saying, the people are what make Austin a great place to live. You can walk down ââ¬Å"The Dragâ⬠and see ten people with Tylerââ¬â¢s shirts on, with Nike shorts, and Tom shoes and people that arenââ¬â¢t from Austin say ââ¬Å"What are they wearing? â⬠Or hearing ââ¬Å"OU Sucks! â⬠when were not even playing them that game. You canââ¬â¢t forget about ââ¬Å"The Music Capital,â⬠Stevie Ray Vaughan made music here. Austin City Limits is one of the most popular events, people around the world come and play for this three day event.Also Marley Fest is another great event. The people in Austin make it fun to live here. You can go to California or New York and you canââ¬â¢t compare austinites to them, they have their own since of style and ââ¬Å"weirdness. â⬠ââ¬Å"This one of a kind place is known to be a laid back city that lives off of life, live music, and Longhorn football! The people of this city take great pride in who they are and where they live, that is one fact thatââ¬â¢s stands above all the others. â⬠(Lu. P1) Austin is a great place for young adults, trying to live on their own. Itââ¬â¢s friend and family caring, and itââ¬â¢s like your living at your own home.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Appearances are Deceiving in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s Macbeth Essay
The Renaissance play The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, truly demonstrated a compelling tale of greed, power, and jealousy. The play revealed the turn of a good nobleman into a powerful and greedy king. It showed audiences how one crime led to another and eventually to a gruesome melee. Throughout the tragedy there appeared to be a reoccurring theme stated finest as appearances are deceiving. The audience is first introduced to the theme in the first scene of the play where the witches said the profound phrase, ââ¬Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fairâ⬠(I, i, 10). The Tragedy of Macbeth continued to present the idea of images being deceivingly different from the actual appearance. First, in Act I, the key phrase, ââ¬Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fairâ⬠(I, i, 10), was expressed as an example of the constant theme. That main phrase foreshadowed how appearances could deceive because, in essence, it stated that good was bad and bad was good. At first, the audience was shown that Macbeth was a gentle nobleman who would despise the thought of killing. However, Lady Macbeth, his wife, was greedy from the start of the play and continued to persuade her husband into killing the king, Duncan. The phrase foreshadowed the change in characters as well, because Macbeth was the ââ¬Å"fairâ⬠individual, as his wife would start as the ââ¬Å"foulâ⬠one. Further on, Banquo asked Macbeth, ââ¬Å"Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear / Things that do sound so fair?â⬠(I, iii, 51-52) after he was told news by witches that he would be king. He was asking why he was frightened by good news; meanwhile, the audience knew that the witches were pernicious souls. In that passage, the appearance or sound of the news was good, but the truth was not fully told and therefore was misleading. Next, Lady Macbeth tells her husband, ââ¬Å"Only look up clear / To alter favor ever is to fearâ⬠(I, v, 70). She told Macbeth to look composed and that he should not have an altered or worried face because such behavior would be dangerous. If the noblemen had noticed Macbeth acting nervous then he would be a prime suspect for the future murder they talked about. Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s plan was to be calm and camouflage their guilty appearance, deceiving everyone. She coveted the title of queen to such an extent that she continued to badger her husband into killing the King until he said yes. After, they conspired his murder, Duncan arrived at Inverness, Macbethââ¬â¢s castle, and said, ââ¬Å"This castle hath aà pleasant seat; the air / Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself / Unto our gentle sensesâ⬠(I, vi, 1-3). This quote was ironic and again demonstrated the thought that appearances are deceiving. The audience knew that Duncan was going to die there, which certainly not pleasing or nice, as he described the castle. The appearance of the castleââ¬â¢s serenity was deceiving. In Act I, many examples showed outward appearances were in reality deceiving to the characters. Furthermore, three main examples in Act II clearly stood behind the theme of the drama. Looks appeared deceiving first when Lady Macbeth was told about King Duncanââ¬â¢s death by Macduff. Lady Macbeth pretended as if she was shocked by saying, ââ¬Å"Woe, alas! / What, in our house?â⬠(II, iii, 82-83). She asked the question as if she did not know what had happened; her appearance in the situation was misleading to all the other characters. Later in the same scene, another example of Lady Macbethââ¬â¢s facade occurred when Macbeth started rambling and drew attention to himself. To distract the guests, Lady Macbeth feigned fainting, gasping, ââ¬Å"Help me hence, ho!â⬠(II, iii, 113). She took on the form of a mourning, frightened woman. Soon after her performance, Duncanââ¬â¢s sons, Donalbain and Malcolm, contemplated fleeing. Donalbain commented, ââ¬Å"Thereââ¬â¢s daggers in menââ¬â¢s smilesâ⬠(II, iii, 134). Here he was saying that one of the noblemen was lyingââ¬âpretending to be their ally when in reality one of them is a wretched murderer. He and Malcolm flew for fear of their own lives, but to others it seemed to be a sign of their guilt, another false appearance. These three examples in Act II fortify the theme of false appearances. Additionally, Act III was replete with examples of the theme. Macbeth told Banquo, ââ¬Å"We should have else desired your good advice / â⬠¦ / In this dayââ¬â¢s council; but weââ¬â¢ll take tomorrow[,]â⬠(III, i, 20, 22) even though he knew Banquo will not see tomorrow, for Macbeth was arranging his murder. Then, he calumniated that Malcolm and Donalbain ââ¬Å"are bestowed / In England and in Ireland, not confessing / Their cruel parricide,â⬠(III, i, 29-31) when, of course, he knows they are innocent of any wrongdoing. After Banquo leaves his palace, he told his guests that ââ¬Å"To make society / The sweeter welcome, we will keep ourself / Till supper-time alone[,]â⬠(III, i, 43) when inà reality, he just wants time to consort with men to scheme Banquoââ¬â¢s murder. In a discussion with his wife just before supper, Macbeth tells her to ââ¬Å"Let [her] remembrance apply to Banquo[,]â⬠whilst he knows that Banquo will be dead that night. Macbeth p eriodically deceives his guests with his words. In addition, Act IV of Macbeth abundantly used examples of deceiving appearances. In the first scene of the fourth act, the three witches conjured apparitions for Macbeth. The second apparition, a bloody child, told Macbeth, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦for none of woman born / Shall harm Macbethâ⬠(IV, i, 80-81). Macbeth assumed every person was born of woman; therefore, he was invincible. However, he did not see that the apparition was implying an unnatural birth, a caesarian section; and a false sense of hope was instilled in him. The third apparition, a crowned child holding a tree, proclaimed, ââ¬Å"Macbeth shall never vanquished be until / Great Burnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill / Shall come against [Macbeth]â⬠(IV, i, 92-94). Macbeth again took this warning as he pleased. The king exclaimed that trees could not uproot themselves and walk toward Dunsinane Hill, upon which sat his house; therefore, Macbeth would never be vanquished. The apparition, however, meant when the wood itself, which could be cut down and carried by people, reached the hill, he would be vanquished. While this was happening, Macduff, a former friend of Macbeth, left in search of Malcolm, the rightful heir to the throne. Macduff needed the help of Malcolm to overthrow the tyrant. When Macduff reached Malcolm, he was unsure if he could trust Macduff so he fabricated a false scenario of what it might be like if he were king. Malcolm told Macduff, ââ¬Å"and the poor state / Esteem him as a lamb, being compared / With my confineless harmsâ⬠(IV, iv, 53-55). Malcolm made himself out to be an immoral man to test Macduff. Malcolm actually wanted to discover if he could trust Macduffââ¬â¢s intentions. In Act IV, Macbeth was oblivious to the double meanings, but soon after the terrible truth announced itself to the overconfident Macbeth. Finally, in Act V, the three apparitions came true in reverse order, and the second and third apparitions surprised Macbeth with their ambiguous meanings. The third apparition was brought to Macbethââ¬â¢s attention by a messenger who exclaimed, ââ¬Å"Within this three mile my you see it coming / Ià say a moving groveâ⬠(V, v, 37-38). Macbeth began to realize the grave meanings of the apparitions. He began to suspect the ambiguous meanings and proclaimed, ââ¬Å"I pull in resolution, and begin / To doubt thââ¬â¢ equivocation of the fiend / That lies like the truthâ⬠(V, v, 42-44). Next, the second apparition proved itself true. Macduff came to fight Macbeth, but the king was not at all frightened. Macbeth told his adversary he had no reason to fear Macduff because any person born from a woman could harm him. Macduff replied, ââ¬Å"Macduff was from his motherââ¬â¢s womb / Untimely rippedâ⬠(V, viii, 15-16). Startled, Macbeth then realized that the second apparition meant that one born and unnatural birth could slay him. Macbeth was ashamed that he had refused to see the apparitionsââ¬â¢ warnings. Macbeth then said, ââ¬Å"And be these juggling fiends no more believed / That palter with us in a double senseâ⬠(V, viii, 20-21). Macbeth had been defeated and it was no oneââ¬â¢s fault but his own for being close-minded and overconfident. The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, had numerous examples of deceptive happenings. The play shows how one evil deed will lead to another. Shakespeare also showed how a personââ¬â¢s character could reverse drastically through the many happenings a person must endure, good or bad. In this case, the change was sparked in Macbeth due to his own greed for power. At the beginning of the play, the phrase was spoken: ââ¬Å"Foul is fair, and fair is foulâ⬠(I, i. 10) by the three malevolent witches. Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play kept readers on guard by continuously presenting the idea of images, actions, and words being deceivingly different from how they appeared.
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